Orange spots on plants, outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Hello, This is my second grow ever, first was indoor this one is outdoors. Everything is going perfect so far except orange spots on my plants. (new and old leaves) 3 out of 4 plants are experiencing this kind of damage very mildly and am not really worried, the fourth plant looks extremely unhealthy and as time progresses it gets worse. here are some pics.
as you can see one of them is in terrible condition. I have been watering regularly with neutral water no nutes. The fourth plant was a male so i cut that fucker down, but anyways, I am thinking this is heat stress because it is very hot where i live 25-35 degrees with constant sun and minimal humidity and ventilation. i put a plastic bag in front of it not over it to block some of the sun to see if that would help any. If anyone has any kind of advice to give me would be great. THANKS!


Well-Known Member
Looks a little like a fungus but I could be wrong... I have seen something similar on my tomatoes a few years ago..maybe check this out and compare it to your plant after reading to see if it helps..
Thanks for the reply! But im not sure if it is this, where the plants are situated it is very dry very sunny and very hot, ill keep looking or hopefully someone has had this problem, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! But im not sure if it is this, where the plants are situated it is very dry very sunny and very hot, ill keep looking or hopefully someone has had this problem, thanks!
NP... there are quite a few sites that show problems like the one I referenced, just hit the search button on the sites and happy reading..


Well-Known Member
Your pics suck...too sunny, take some pics at look like bleaching from too intense Sun on young will adjust to the Sun and be fine in a week or 2.


Well-Known Member
And those are planted way too close to each other..I'd start training them to all grow in opposite directions.


Well-Known Member
Hello, This is my second grow ever, first was indoor this one is outdoors. Everything is going perfect so far except orange spots on my plants. (new and old leaves) 3 out of 4 plants are experiencing this kind of damage very mildly and am not really worried, the fourth plant looks extremely unhealthy and as time progresses it gets worse. here are some pics.
as you can see one of them is in terrible condition. I have been watering regularly with neutral water no nutes. The fourth plant was a male so i cut that fucker down, but anyways, I am thinking this is heat stress because it is very hot where i live 25-35 degrees with constant sun and minimal humidity and ventilation. i put a plastic bag in front of it not over it to block some of the sun to see if that would help any. If anyone has any kind of advice to give me would be great. THANKS!
did you spray with any water?
or did you water them with a hose that sprayed?
with the pictures provided that looks like burn from spray during the sunlight.
either that or it's a transient insect eating them.
I bet it's water damage


Well-Known Member
Now that i think of it, everytime i would get to my spot i would be swarmed by mosquito's. I think while i was spraying myself with bug spray it would be dragged my the wind and some would get on the plants. With a bit of sun do you think this is what caused these little burn like dots?


Well-Known Member
Damn..u hitting 95 degrees in Canada in June :shock:..That soil looks heavy, what is it?

If rodents aren't bothering them I wouldn't worry bout em. I like neem oil works pretty good but if the bugs get bad I use a couple times before they bloom.
Hey you seem to know a lot about outdoor growing, would you mind telling me what happens when im getting close to harvest and the buds are getting rained on. Is this bad how should i go about this so i can prepare, Thanks for that lin btw~!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Hey you seem to know a lot about outdoor growing, would you mind telling me what happens when im getting close to harvest and the buds are getting rained on. Is this bad how should i go about this so i can prepare, Thanks for that lin btw~!
If I may be so bold to answer this :). Rain in itself is not a problem. What accompanies it is. If it's cool and cloudy then you'll be in danger of getting bud rot, with some strains more susceptible. What you want are dry, warm days and cool nights. There is not much that I have tried in the way if products to stop this so not sure if there are any. If your plants are accessible you can try shaking of the excess water in the morning to help dry them. Once you see the rot starting then you need to harvest as it moves quick and can devastate the grow. Look at the inside (towards the stalk) for signs of dicolouration (light tan) and if found pull it off and the bud will be crumbly and soft. Every auto I've grown outside rotted mid August when it was super hot but also super humid. I try to grow plants that are mid September finish but tough to find good ones that fight rot.image.jpeghere is a couple of Oh Zone. Planted last week if May.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Also forgot to mention bud worms that will cause what looks like rot as well. Early signs are curled leaf tips with webbing inside. May have to use an organic pesticide for them or lose the crop if it's real bad.


Well-Known Member
Yeah..I agree with budley..some strains can handle a wet and cold fall..some can't.. On average- I'd lose 2-6 zips per harvest outdoors yearly for nearly. 10 years straight...I can live with that, I use no sprays ...

But last season was rained 22 or 23 days out of 30 from early September to early October..the strains I had couldn't handle it..I lost over 6 lbs of colas..the heavy fog was really bad too... This year I'll hit em with some serenade to prevent that if the rains come like that..I'll probably toss some plastic sheeting on top too in my back yard but the patches I got in the Bush are on their own...

You can use high ph water or a milk and water spray to keep the ph off and a less than ideal enviroment for mold-mildew...1 part skim milk to 8 parts water.

You got a small little section for those .. I'd probably buy 4 sticks of conduit and beat em into the ground...that way u could toss some plastic up in September if the weather goes to shit.