Order from Grasscity?


Active Member
Anyone ever ordered from Grasscity?
I was about too yesterday, but when I went through the checkout at the end they ask for my bank online password. Why would they need that?
I donèt mind giving my credit card number and everything, but my online banking password or a bit weird and suspicious.

So any had any trouble with them?



Well-Known Member
No way! That would give someone a license to steal. They have a good reputation with some of my friends but how about a borderline larcenous employee or their friend that could get a hold of your number and clean out your accounts.


Active Member
I'm not looking to buy seeds actually. I want to buy some accessories
Like a bong, pipe, grinder, etc.
And I'm looking for a place that sells The Screen Queen Pipe.



Active Member
I checked and they don't.
But I'll use that site when I need more seeds though. Choices looks great.


Active Member
i have ordered from them a few times and they never asked me that
but they have some badass glass for real cheap


Active Member
Some banks require a password to complete online transactions. The page that asked for the PW should have your banks logo on it. I doubt that GC has every bank's logo saved.