Order of Operations/ Fertilizer Compound Mix order / Why it be like that, tho

Hey yall,

I'm wondering why fertilizers and supplements are mixed in the specific order they tend to be? There's a lot of schedules to use that will give you the order to mix but I can't find much comprehensive info online about why each compound or mix of compounds is added in order. What characteristics do each element added have on creating a successful stable mix?

I'm curious because I want to know what supplements can be added at which stage. In most feedcharts, humic acid and amino acids are added after the general n-p-k fertilizers but I've also heard amino acids can be used first to keep nutrients from falling out of solution in hard water and that humic acid can be added first to buffer ph. I was under the impression that silica is the first compound to add to water to keep it from reacting with another compound. What is different about the other two supplements that makes them safe to add before or after the fretilizer?