Ordered Bubble Bags, How Do I "harvest" my leaf?


Well-Known Member
I know the title seems stupid but I couldn't really think of a better way to describe it at the moment. :bigjoint:

I just ordered bubble bags so I'm planning on making some hash. My question is whether or not I must cure my leaf in any way.

I've got about 3/4 of a gallon freezer bag of leaf/popcorn buds in my freezer right now. I had no idea what to do with them when I was trimming so they ended up in the freezer bag and put right into the freezer.

I've got more plants to harvest in the near future and was wondering if my method is alright. I was reading another thread earlier about making hash/oil with butane and many of the people advised he let his leaf dry.

In my situation, since I'm using water and ice anyway, would freezing "wet" leaves and using them with my bubble bags work? Are there any disadvantages?

Thanks all! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Okay I've used a few search terms and still haven't found any good info relating to my question.. Could somone throw up a link or something? I can read it if you show me where it is lol.

P.S. I've always thought it was nicer to post a 2 sentence answer to a question I know is relatively stupid rather than telling someone to use the search function. Unless of course you do not know the answer.


Well-Known Member
You need to dry out your leaf trim first then freeze it for 24 hours before using the bubblebags - The trim has to be dry so that it breaks up easily when you're mixing it all together with the ice & water..


Well-Known Member
BTW, the search function here is lame.

Go to google, type "rollitup" then wheaver term you are looking for like "bubble bag" and it will find it for you better than this site's own search feature.


The Warlord

Well-Known Member
like stated above, leaves should be dried and then frozen. i've yet to make any bubble bag hash but have read the articles about it.


Active Member
bro its as simple as pie , but hard work draining the extract . first dry all your trimmings or little buds make sure everything is from flower and not from vegg , i dry and put in freezer then insert into the holding bag , i have the bubble machine to work for me but a drill with a cake mixxer will work fine . make sure u place ur bags inj the proper order fill with ice and some water let stand to get very, very cold and start mixing away , then the hard part if u didn't do all that mixng by hand , now get a 5 gallon bucket and start draining bags 1 by 1 , it takes a long time to drain especially if u have the 8 bag but the concentrate is awesome , use good trimmings / nuggs - no mold or stems and etc... much luch peace prop215 , sb420 , mmp legalization...8):mrgreen:



Active Member
I know the title seems stupid but I couldn't really think of a better way to describe it at the moment. :bigjoint:

I just ordered bubble bags so I'm planning on making some hash. My question is whether or not I must cure my leaf in any way.

I've got about 3/4 of a gallon freezer bag of leaf/popcorn buds in my freezer right now. I had no idea what to do with them when I was trimming so they ended up in the freezer bag and put right into the freezer.

I've got more plants to harvest in the near future and was wondering if my method is alright. I was reading another thread earlier about making hash/oil with butane and many of the people advised he let his leaf dry.

In my situation, since I'm using water and ice anyway, would freezing "wet" leaves and using them with my bubble bags work? Are there any disadvantages?

Thanks all! :leaf:
use all dry material for higher yielding results ...


Well-Known Member
Okay thank you for the help. +rep

Just one question now.. What do I do with all my frozen shit? lol will it work the same if I let it dry and then refreeze it?


Well-Known Member
BTW, the search function here is lame.

Go to google, type "rollitup" then wheaver term you are looking for like "bubble bag" and it will find it for you better than this site's own search feature.
Wow good to fucking know +rep for that too. I've been tearin my hair out usin the search feature on this site.


Well-Known Member
Made some ice-o-lator hash from my 1st harvest and this is what I did:

-Dried out all the trim (only bud leaves and popcorn buds- no large fan leaves) for like 5 days
-Froze all the trim for 48 hours.
-Using only distilled water to reduce contaminants and minerals in the hash, I made a whole lot of ice cubes and placed a few gallons of distilled water in the fridge. The colder, the better.
-Placed the bubble bags in a bucket, dumped in the ice cubes, water and trim, and with a cake-mixer mixed for about 12 minutes. You don't want to over-saturate.
-Drained, and voila!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah...you need the water temp between 0-4 degrees Celcius (32-39.2 Farenheit) I have found that a plasters mixing paddle attached to a hand held drill works much better than cake mixer attachments..(just be cautious of getting too close to the sides of the bags though!)



Well-Known Member
Say clear of the realy big leaves unless the leave has any thc on it the just cut the thc part of the leave of and put it into a bag.The leaves that you realy want are the once from around the cola's these contain the most thc.Unless you are doing a massive grow then i would just keep collecting has many has these leaves has possible till you have a nice ammount.Also i would put the small fluffy buds from the bottom of the plant into the bag.Keep all the leaves and small buds from the bottom of the plant in a large sealer bag till you have a nice ammount because if you only have a few leaves then all the hard work with the bags will be for nothing well a hit on a bong but that is it.


Well-Known Member
Okay thank you for the help. +rep

Just one question now.. What do I do with all my frozen shit? lol will it work the same if I let it dry and then refreeze it?
Because your trim was wet when you froze it, when you defrost it will be damp again, I guess the freezing/thawing will prob damage the tricomes.. I would just put your frozen trim staright in, but try breaking it up a bit first..

Never tried making hash from wet frozen trim but I think you'd be better off than thawing, then drying & re-freezing again


Active Member
Okay thank you for the help. +rep

Just one question now.. What do I do with all my frozen shit? lol will it work the same if I let it dry and then refreeze it?
frozen cutting are great as long as you dried them before hand , so in a nut shell cut all your leaves and little buds you don't want for smoke and let everything dry completely with out it molding so let it be air re then freeze all your trimmings then use when ready , frozen is great as you have to add alot of ice so the colder and dryer the better good luck .... are u using a machine or by hand the machine is awesome but costly use a drill motor with a cake mixer to stir all your stuff but the bubble machine is great , its lets you take care of other things while your concentrate is in progress ...peace



dry it all out freez it
layer ice weed ice weed ice weed till 2/3 full
fill with water till you see it at the top of the ice
mix with wooden spoon 5 mins
then 15 min of electec mixer
add ice during mixing if need to
the hole thing about bubble bags is you need the weed to stay below 4 degress celcius
aftert that let sit for 30 mins then strain
keep you first bag the catch bag after the water has been drained in a bowl to the side
pull out the rest of the bags
cleaning the hash off the bags as you go
after you get as much hash as possible off the screens flip the bag inside out and rinse it in your next bag repet till all the bags are done
now you have all the bags done then you but all the bags back in the water (same water)
put more ice in main bag if need and stir with wooden spoon for 5 then mixer for 15 then rest for 30 add ice if needed while mixing and clean the bags agian

there you go buddy thats the best way i have tryed them all
after all the bags are done being cleaned