Ordered seeds for the first time today


Active Member
Went ahead and ordered 10 Fem. White Rhino seeds...Now I just need to make a final decision on what setup I'm going to use...

Leaning towards 5 gal Rumplebucket style in a 4x4 tent with 600 MH with cooltube/co2 setup (this is my first grow, go big or go home I suppose)

Just thought I'd share :hump:


Went ahead and ordered 10 Fem. White Rhino seeds...Now I just need to make a final decision on what setup I'm going to use...

Leaning towards 5 gal Rumplebucket style in a 4x4 tent with 600 MH with cooltube/co2 setup (this is my first grow, go big or go home I suppose)

Just thought I'd share :hump:
Are you planning on sticking with just the one mh or will you add/switch to a hps at a later time for flowering?


Oh I plan to have both mh/hps switchable ballast setup
You can't go wrong with that :) Have you considered using cfl's for a veg area and saving the hid system for flowering and sticking with the hid hps bulb? If you are going to have two areas it seems like the cfl's do a damn good job. I've been reading post after post about cfl's. They are worth a look. I'm beginning to think a $30 cfl with a $30 reflector could have done the job I bought a $500 led light for. To save energy and heat I went with t5's for my seedlings, clones (when the moms are ready to let me adopt them ;)), and the mom's I'm starting, then led's for my veg, and two 400w hps systems for my flower. I spent somewhere around $2k for my lights. I think cfl's would have been more than enough for my seedlings, clones, moms, and my veg if I had put more faith in them. For flowering though... I still dunno. I think flower needs power imo. Everything I've seen so far - nothing beats an hid for flowering but cfl's will have you sittin' pretty otherwise.


also worth noting, cfl's rate higher even when put up against t5's - obviously learned that bit of knowledge after I paid $200 for my 2 foot 8 lamp panel


Active Member
Hey, sorry I'm suppose to be studying for my accounting 2 exam in 3 hours b/c I haven't been to class in 3 weeks since our first session was...whooops, dumbass me thought having class at 8am on saturday would make me wake up early and not waste the day away...oh how wrong I was..

Anyways, now that you mention t5s and cfls (i won't do cfl...I want high yield so i can impress my dad - he doesn't know i'm about to start growing but he smokes prem. stuff and has all he life - most kids get a good job/wife to impress but i'm going for good quality grow with high yield since he goes through a lb a month easy..well with his fiance) I am considering going t5s for both my cloning/mother room which i plan to keep in my bedroom in a stealth cab easily in the corner (more for if i have guests over than worry about people seeing it since i live with friends in his house and in the basement away from people) and the 4x4 grow box/tent will be in the corner of the basement just outside my door which leads to the general area/laundry area of it

I am going to stick with the mh/hps combo since i'm going for scrog so i want kickass lighting to boost their growth up for it! And I want to eventually get a 2nd tent (it may be a smaller one not sure yet) so i can keep a steady grow going...

This is all theory based on my research/readings/findings, which also just causes more questions and ideas and the more and more i research the more lost i feel! but i placed the order so i have about a week to at least get the germ/clone/mother room built and setup!

I have never done a grow yet so this will be fun and exciting :)

you should check this journal out about t5s though - it definitely caught my attention while i was at work (for a bank lol) browsing on my blackberry about this stuff while my manager was talking about non-sense www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/325152-multi-spectrum-t5-veg-flower-2.html


Hey, sorry I'm suppose to be studying for my accounting 2 exam in 3 hours b/c I haven't been to class in 3 weeks since our first session was...whooops, dumbass me thought having class at 8am on saturday would make me wake up early and not waste the day away...oh how wrong I was..

Anyways, now that you mention t5s and cfls (i won't do cfl...I want high yield so i can impress my dad - he doesn't know i'm about to start growing but he smokes prem. stuff and has all he life - most kids get a good job/wife to impress but i'm going for good quality grow with high yield since he goes through a lb a month easy..well with his fiance) I am considering going t5s for both my cloning/mother room which i plan to keep in my bedroom in a stealth cab easily in the corner (more for if i have guests over than worry about people seeing it since i live with friends in his house and in the basement away from people) and the 4x4 grow box/tent will be in the corner of the basement just outside my door which leads to the general area/laundry area of it

I am going to stick with the mh/hps combo since i'm going for scrog so i want kickass lighting to boost their growth up for it! And I want to eventually get a 2nd tent (it may be a smaller one not sure yet) so i can keep a steady grow going...

This is all theory based on my research/readings/findings, which also just causes more questions and ideas and the more and more i research the more lost i feel! but i placed the order so i have about a week to at least get the germ/clone/mother room built and setup!

I have never done a grow yet so this will be fun and exciting :)

you should check this journal out about t5s though - it definitely caught my attention while i was at work (for a bank lol) browsing on my blackberry about this stuff while my manager was talking about non-sense www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/325152-multi-spectrum-t5-veg-flower-2.html

Your college style sounds like mine. I often missed the first week and sometimes the second week of my classes. I would email the profs telling them to email me what I needed. If I stood up one more time and introduced myself explained my major or had to play some stupid freaking get to know your classmates and prof game... I would surely go columbine on all their asses!

I have literally only attended some of my classes the midterm day and the final day. lol who am I kidding... sometimes I would even email the profs and have them set up me up for the retake times for the exams so I could go in, take all my exams on the same day one after another, and peace! I'm outty. My major was computer programming and trust- I was a computer geek looong before I figured I'd get a fancy embossed piece of paper so I could prove it to the hiring world. The first two years of college was practically a joke. I could have taught the classes. The dean actually offered me a prof position before I even graduated with my 4year. And, accounting, gah right? Especially since the days of bookkeeping are over. People like me already wrote ya all the software you're gonna need to get the job done.

Anywho, I totally feel ya on "I won't use clfs." Thats exactly how I felt thus why I went with the led's and hps systems. I figured I'd throw it out there because they pull some pretty impressive numbers for the price. Plus, they offer a cheap and low maint way to add light to any setup. I'm thinking I may just toss a couple in with my led panels in veg because of the price. Adding 250 watts of cool light for $60 sounds good to me no matter how to achieve it, cfl or not. I'm still with you though on not depending solely on the cfls. That exact thinking is why I think I may add a couple cfls to my led's just for the variety. My goal is to light each one of my areas with different light sources, not depending on any one, led, cfl, hps, or t5. I did decide to skip the mh system though. Seemed like too much fuss for the type of light. I figured my cash was better spent throwing it at the leds and my hps's.

Reading the journal now :)


Active Member
I definitely know what you mean about adding the CFL lights to the system to back up your main sources and I may eventually do that once I have a grow or 2 under my wing just to see how it goes and work from there - I figure since I'm mainly going to be attempting a ScRoG that the plants will be obtaining all the light they could want from a 600W and with running a cool air setup with a glass reflector so I can get the light as low as possible + CO2 I'm hoping it goes well...Unfortunately I have OCD so I have this uncontrollable urge to have to know EVERYTHING before I can finally start and with working 40 hours a week and taking 18 credit hours of classes it's hard finding the free-time.

But - there is hope! I am an insomniac and just recently was recently prescribed adderall on top of that 2 x a day so I get 0-2 hours of sleep a night and then pop my morning pill and I'm good to go in about 30 minutes...Just took one about an hour ago to make sure I don't fall asleep and over sleep this test : )

What kind of setup are you using right now? I know you listed all of your lights, but did you start from seeds/clones and what system of grow soil/hydro?


I definitely know what you mean about adding the CFL lights to the system to back up your main sources and I may eventually do that once I have a grow or 2 under my wing just to see how it goes and work from there - I figure since I'm mainly going to be attempting a ScRoG that the plants will be obtaining all the light they could want from a 600W and with running a cool air setup with a glass reflector so I can get the light as low as possible + CO2 I'm hoping it goes well...Unfortunately I have OCD so I have this uncontrollable urge to have to know EVERYTHING before I can finally start and with working 40 hours a week and taking 18 credit hours of classes it's hard finding the free-time.

But - there is hope! I am an insomniac and just recently was recently prescribed adderall on top of that 2 x a day so I get 0-2 hours of sleep a night and then pop my morning pill and I'm good to go in about 30 minutes...Just took one about an hour ago to make sure I don't fall asleep and over sleep this test : )

What kind of setup are you using right now? I know you listed all of your lights, but did you start from seeds/clones and what system of grow soil/hydro?
well, err, I'm not. haha :) I'm the same way you are- having to know as much info as possible before heading into any project. I seriously over think things sometimes as a result... over complicate things.. Anyway, I've got it all drawn out on paper and already paid my equipment orders for my seedlings and veg setup. I've placed my orders for my flowering equipment but haven't sent them their cho yet. I'm waiting for my first beautiful brown boxes to arrive before I send these people another thousand dollars of my weed money. I haven't been buying any smoke because I'm throwing that cash into growing it. I've jumped on the ditch the dealer bandwagon.

But, because I've been planning this set up for four months. I can talk about it like its already in action because its been 'running' in my head for some time now haha :)

I bought some washing machine pans and built stands for them so they aren't on the floor. I've got some experience with them because I use them in my mushie grow. Very useful $30 items I may add. I'm going to build grow areas on top of these using the exact inner measurements of the trays. I figure bay 1 will be where I house my seedlings and clones and vegging girls. I think the bottom level will house my babies while the top level will house my vegging girlies. Think of it like a shelving set up. I am going to build a frame and then surround it in painted white wood panels. All cedar. I figure heat rises so the light I will have on 24 hours should be in the top area leaving my vegging light heat to rise to the seedlings who like the warmth. In bay two, I am going to build two flowering units one on top of the other. One for my auto's and one for my forced flower girls. I will be using the scrog and lst methods as well but I'm going to separate my veg and flower areas into two separate bays so I'm going to use some tomato plant cages and layer some screen on them so each plant will have its own screen. This way I can move the plants individually.

I decided to go with fox farm nutes and hempy buckets. I've currently got 3 parts perlite and 1 part verm mixed in a bucket I'm using as my grow medium in the buckets but I learned something today: Hydroton can be resued. Originally, I decided not to go with hydroton because it was more expensive than perlite and verm so I went with the cheaper product because it was something I would have to buy over and over. But, now that I've learned hydroton is reusable I may just switch.


Oh and all my current plants I started from seed. I've got 8 that are three weeks old and 6 more than I just took outta their paper towel home and pushed into their new condo of jiffy pucks :)