Ordering from Dr. Chronic...


Active Member
Hey guys, I probably should have asked these questions earlier, but I just ordered some Lowryder from Dr. Chronic today and I was wondering what your experiences with him have been like. I've read where some have received their shipments within four or five days here in the states which is quicker than any I've gotten from Nirvana. Does he ship discretely like Nirvana does? How long after you completed your order did you receive a confirmation email? Any input would be helpful. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
How much did you pay enigma? How much was shipping? Did you find it simple to order from them? I have not heard much about DR. Chronic...


Active Member
Daddy, I paid $69.65 for a ten pack. The shipping was $8.45 to bring the total to $78.10. I know that is quite a bit, but I am interested in the strain and have a 250 watt HPS to play around with it.
Hey guys, I probably should have asked these questions earlier, but I just ordered some Lowryder from Dr. Chronic today and I was wondering what your experiences with him have been like. I've read where some have received their shipments within four or five days here in the states which is quicker than any I've gotten from Nirvana. Does he ship discretely like Nirvana does? How long after you completed your order did you receive a confirmation email? Any input would be helpful. Thanks.

I've read several post where people were satisfied with the doc.,just a little pricey. I ordered from amsterdam seed 33 days ago, they told me a couple of days ago to send some cash in a b-day card.:hump: So...I placed another order with sensible seed, should be here in a few...they had GOOD prices on the mandela strains... hashberry,saudi,satori,kalecheria,and a couple of athers. also good price on mazar, which is shown in videomans grow...check out that 16 inch cola.:blsmoke: Babygro is growing mandella sisters satori and kalechria in her grow. They say if the saudi is allowed to grow long enough, it's narcotic.. I'll let you know about sensible and holler at me when you hear from the doc.:peace: BDWhen you check out their grows, be sure and leave em some rep.!!!


Active Member
Bd, I prefer to grow shorter plants, so I've wanted to get my hands on some mazar for a while. I'll definately let you know how it goes with Doc, and I hope you get your seeds. 33 days, damn?


Well-Known Member
i've ordered with him. I got my 1st seeds 6 days after ordering, many were broken, and i had a new pack from him 6 days later and i got to keep the old ones.