Ordering seeds during this hectic time?


Active Member
I ordered seeds today and am worried now. I saw that the FEDS are inspecting all overseas packages into the United States. I hope they miss my seeds, after all its just a T-shirt. :wink: God, I need to move to a Cannabis State.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† thats funny, order seeds, turn on the news and see a report that the feds are inspecting all overseas packages...fucked up, but funny, straight out of a movie. On the bright side, they can't possibly have the manpower to check all of them...I say they're bluffing...they're is always a chance they could get snagged, now that you mention it a friend of mine recently got the customs papers saying his had been snagged, but it could very well have been a fluke, sometimes they make it, sometimes they don't.


Active Member
You got a link for this?
No, but just google it. It is all over the news about the FEDS searching for explosives and inspecting all overseas packages. However, it says they are searching all UPS planes cargo. So that is good news.

Look at your profile pic and now wonder if they are looking after tracking your IP.
My profile pic? My weapons are all legal and registered! Plus I use a proxy. If they are going to find my avatar and IP search me, then they will do the same to everyone else here. Besides, they would most likely have to serve rollitup a warrant to get the IP's of us forum users and that is unlikely.


I ordered mine last Sunday and they arrived today...was kinda worried about that too but I doubt they'll do anything considering the weight and size...I imagine bombs weigh a bit more than a "t-shirt" so they'll probably just skip over it :)


Well-Known Member
ya man now isnt a good time.
Wait till christmas when they are boged down with presents and shit.


Well-Known Member
what this is opportunity, they'll be searching larger parcels for explosives
just order the cheap way, via letter, with them searching packages a letter is as good as gold


Well-Known Member
I like the profile pic....they'll get over it, not really much they can do about it, it could even have been something taken off of google images for all they know.......

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Homeland security is set up to target American citizens, especially gun owners and veterans, just a FYI. I wouldn't worry about the seeds though if they are being sent stealth in a t-shirt.


Active Member
what this is opportunity, they'll be searching larger parcels for explosives
just order the cheap way, via letter, with them searching packages a letter is as good as gold
Yeah, I'd have to agree with you on that.

I like the profile pic....they'll get over it, not really much they can do about it, it could even have been something taken off of google images for all they know.......
Thanks, I like the profile pic too! Exactly google. ;)

Homeland security is set up to target American citizens, especially gun owners and veterans, just a FYI. I wouldn't worry about the seeds though if they are being sent stealth in a t-shirt.
Stealth it was, so I should be good.


Active Member
Thanks, I am staying calm. Whats wrong with the profile pic, are you against home protection? LOL
Yeah lol... If California didn't have so many pieces of shit, we could have sexy guns like that too :-P

And no i doubt it to much stuff going in and out to check it all. I mean give me a break didnt you hear about those 9 bombs from yemen that got mailed to the jewish temple.


Active Member
Yeah lol... If California didn't have so many pieces of shit, we could have sexy guns like that too :-P

And no i doubt it to much stuff going in and out to check it all. I mean give me a break didnt you hear about those 9 bombs from yemen that got mailed to the jewish temple.
Isn't that so messed up? We can conceal weapons and have tactical assault rifles in this state but not have access to medical herb? We have plenty of pieces of shit floating around this state BTW, I've been hounding one like a fukn creditor. I'm not the type of person that likes to bust knee caps, but this POS is turning me into one. I also agree that they can't possibly check everything, besides they are looking for boxes of explosives.


Well-Known Member
No, but just google it. It is all over the news about the FEDS searching for explosives and inspecting all overseas packages. However, it says they are searching all UPS planes cargo. So that is good news.

My profile pic? My weapons are all legal and registered! Plus I use a proxy. If they are going to find my avatar and IP search me, then they will do the same to everyone else here. Besides, they would most likely have to serve rollitup a warrant to get the IP's of us forum users and that is unlikely.
GUns+Drugs= if you dont know, lol.