Ordering seeds puts you on the DEA watch list... LMAO


Well-Known Member
I ordered some barneys farm nightshade seeds a while back and grew them out to 10 weeks. It's some awesome smoke especially where I live, there has only been Mexican commercial available for like 15 years now. Good smoke is really rare around here.

Whenever people smoke it they inquire about where it came from of course, and I tell them a friend of mine grew it. When they hear that this 'friend' ordered seeds online their eyes get huge and they start spouting off how it's just a matter of time before the DEA knocks down the door. Sometimes they act like they don't wanna even continue smoking the weed, as if it's tainted somehow.

Ignorance is one of the biggest weapons the DEA has. Ignorance breeds fear. When people are scared they don't tend to think critically.

Lets say the DEA gets a list of all the people in the US that have ordered from attitude in the last 3 months. This in itself seems unlikely, since I doubt foreign companies are eager to provide free info to the DEA, but with the patriot act lets say it's possible. So they now have a list of what? 1000 names, 5000, perhaps even 10 thousand names?

Now what? Start tracking down names? I suppose first we throw out all the small orders, lets say every order of 10 seeds or under gets ignored. Now we go to this first guys house, spend the time to find him and track him, and find out he hasn't germinated his seeds yet. Move onto the next guy...well this guy germinated his seeds, but they all died. The next guy, hes got roots problems; 5 sick slimy plants in his closet. Next guy, hes a medical grower with a legal garden. Next guy moved to a new location last week. The next guy ordered from a safe house, so nothing going on at this address. So on and so on. Just doesn't seem to be much value or reward to this idea.

Of course I don't tell people my opinion about this when they drop their jaw and say "ordered seeds online?!?" I let them continue to think that it's a death nail, afterall, I don't want competition. But at the same time I am always a little disappointed that people so easily let fear and ignorance cloud their thinking.


Well-Known Member
the number is actually a lot bigger, was a interview with a breeder on cable last week (just one breeder, greenhouse seeds) and he claimed that he sells 400 thousand 10 seed packs (for $75 each) a year, showed him putting the packs together (they are mixed strains) and he had pans full of seeds in front of him and claimed it was 2 million dollars worth

gumbie 8 p

Active Member
he sales them as souvenirs thats how he gets through customs lt is a lupol in the laws i like to buy souvenirs


Active Member
the number is actually a lot bigger, was a interview with a breeder on cable last week (just one breeder, greenhouse seeds) and he claimed that he sells 400 thousand 10 seed packs (for $75 each) a year, showed him putting the packs together (they are mixed strains) and he had pans full of seeds in front of him and claimed it was 2 million dollars worth
Saw the same show...its on Nat Geo, called Drugs, Inc. The episode on marijuana. The breeder was Arjan of Greehouse Seeds.

Tonight on Fox News (ew) Geraldo Rivera has some medical marijuana episode I'm gonna watch also! :) 9pm EST.

Kevin A

Active Member
I would let them people keep on thinking the same thing, your kinda elimanate your compettion. Atleast you know they dont have the balls to order seeds online.