Orders to the US, Any Worries Here?


Anything thing I should be cautious on here when ordering seeds or supplies (mainly seeds). What is the best recommended place to place orders. I will do my part here and send to alias house and use a pre-paid Visa.

But who is the best most secure/reliable place to order from?


New Member
Pretty much anyone advertising on this site is A-ok.

Of course there is always a risk.

It is possible customs will get them...if you receive a letter....throw it away....do not answer it. It rarely happens, but nothing is 100%.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I have ordered from Attitude 4 times with no problems. I have 8 strains going now, all from them. There is another guy, SpeedySeedz that is getting a good rep on this site.


New Member
ya i just ordered from speedys, i got the "speed ganja" by FLASH autoflower seeds. its my first time so im not to sure what to expect


Active Member
sounds like you are taking every precaution you can. I doubt you will have any trouble. Most people say they just get letters if their seeds get taken.


Active Member
Sounds like you planned ahead...the attitude has never done me wrong. Go with stealth shipping to ease your paranoia.


Active Member
wells all this info is good., but so do you have to get it shipped to an alias house ?..cuz i was kinna thinking about buying sum seeds from speedyseeds n paying with paypal, n js having them shipped to my house...is this safe ?., has anyone got them sent directly to theyre crib ?, n btw,, i live in hawaii, so do you think they'll be extra security ?...thanks!


New Member
I don't think there will be any extra security because of Hawaii.

If your money trail is cold.... you can have them sent to your house..... Just go Sgt. Schultz on them.... I know NOTHING!!!


Active Member
I had them shipped to my house but I was extra paranoid about it the whole time I was waiting for them.. so next time I order, I'm getting em shipped elsewhere. Rather not take any chances.

Brick Top

New Member
I have relied on the following site for many years for seedbank ratings and using them to decide who to purchase from and who to not purchase from. So far I could not rightly claim it has let me down one single time.


It does not list every seedbank in the world, but it pretty much lists all that are currently the most used. When a new kid on the block shows up they might earn a spot on the list and if so they will start out with a lower rating regardless of how perfect a first impression of the business might have been. To hold a high rating there you have to hold high standards in your business practices and satisfy customers and that has to be the norm.

There is a five star rating system but stars are not easily handed out and any given can and will be taken away if need be until someone finally makes the ripoff section.

Not all that many sites have earned a full five stars, and of those that earned them normally in time they would eventually fall back to four and a half or even four stars. It is hard to constantly maintain top standards in any sort of business and in the seedbank business it is no easier than any other and it is more difficult than some.

If a site holds a high rating on the site, and in particular if they can retain a high rating over time on that site, you can confidently pick it or whichever of the several there might be. For what they do, for what a seedbank actually does, they are as good as it gets, you cannot find better. That does not mean that just because you picked from the best that Customs, if involved and if not whatever similar service and or the local postal service would be involved, will never find the occasional order and confiscate it and send the dreaded letter. It will happen now and then, even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then …. but part of earning a higher rating is reliable delivery and that means having good ways to get certain types of small items out of one country and then into another with the absolute least possible amount of notice.

Your efforts for security are commendable and much remind me of myself when beans first became available for purchase online. Whatever handy little trick or tactic or step that could be used to add one more layer of cloud deception between myself and the purchase was used. I was a real Secret Squirrel.

After a while I used my real name and address and credit card and debit card and years have gone by without any incident of any type since the days of dealing in a cone of silence.

The chance Customs might confiscate an order, an average home growers order and not a massive crate of beans or something … but the odds of say a typical average order from any one of the top say three seedbanks when using their best stealth shipping being found and confiscated is truly minimal. Just because it is mentioned so much, even though people normally add that it does not happen often, just because it is repeated so often people, especially when new to purchasing beans online, tend to be a good bit more concerned or even paranoid over virtually every aspect of it, but especially the Customs part.

I cannot remember when beans first became available for purchase internationally online but as soon as they were there, I was buying them. Of course certain policies were more lax then but beans were mailed in an average envelope in either a small plastic zip-loc bag or in a small fairly flat sort of bubble container with all the beans loose together but slightly suspended or buffered by the outer edge of the package being thicker than the bean containing part. There was nothing at all done to attempt to change, alter, mask or hide anything and every single order I ever placed was delivered to me.

For a while there was an auction called cBay where great deals could be found at really great prices. I won so many auctions, often for the lowest bid price and once the seller sent me a message after I made a purchase and asked me if I wanted the rest of what he was offering that night, just four more packs, all for the same per pack price as I had just paid, and they all had higher lowest allowed bid placed figures … I took them. The point is I ordered a ton of beans, enough that I gave them away for presents at times because I didn’t want them to get old and go bad so I figured it was better to give them to someone for some reason or another than end up tossing them some day, anyway … again no stealth attempts at all and I had a 100% delivery rate.

Time marched on the policies tightened and other things changed and while I do not purchase beans in the same quantity or of the same frequency as the cBay days I still do make several or so orders a year, and I totally dropped all the Secret Squirrel stuff, to this day I have never had one single order not end up eventually being delivered in full and in tact, well now and then one flattened bean or something but I mean almost always totally within what would be considered to be in tact and other times almost totally unmarked, but just slightly in some way.

Most were anything from a day or two late to a week early, and the few that were fairly well off, as in more than just a day or two late, always had some valid reason that added days to the shipment, like a major snowstorm that closed airports in the Northeast for two days or something like unexpected/unknown coincidental holidays in two different countries like only a day or two apart that loses two days and then a weekend being tossed in … oh … and when the government went broke that time and went just a few days or a week without a budget, I do not remember if the mail stopped and that slowed a delivery of if I just had an order coming and I thought it might slow it down and it didn’t, I can’t remember which it was now … but the point is almost every time something seemed to be late, when the real reasons for the additional time that were in no way seedbank related/connected were subtracted, the shipping times were almost always on time or early and the few actually late ones were only like a day or two late.

So for all the talking people do about Customs that has been my experience with it, and a handful of different national postal services too … and for all the years with more orders than I could guess and the varying policies and differing ways postal services and customs departments have done things and regardless of how seedbanks have shipped over the time period, every single order I have ever placed has cleared Customs as if it were invisible.

I would be more worried that my neighbor’s dog would pull my mail from my mail slot and destroy or just lose my bean order than if Customs might find it … that is if I actually had a neighbor with a dog and if I actually had a mail slot instead of a box out ta’ the main road up over thar’ a piece …. so it was just an example of course and with some slight humor intended but nonetheless my level of concern would be pretty much about at the level I used the example to describe.

Don’t fret it none ...... just keep things light.

Once any seedbank makes shipment whatever happens after that is totally out of the control of the seedbank and it is also totally out of the control of the buyer. It makes to stress over anything in life where you hold no amount or degree of control, it is totally pointless.

If you chill things will go easier and life will seem slightly better, there will be fewer aggravations you might live longer and even if you don’t live longer you will enjoy your time here better and more fully and you won’t end up with a prostate the size of a grapefruit and when you have to pee you either have to go outside or have about three urinals in a row open, or a bathtub, because you will need a wide area to pick up that three or more-way spray you will be sending out ….. so there are many advantages to being cool and the gang.

Another advantage is the more people there are that are cool the more a crusty old curmudgeon like myself will stand out and the more of an impact they will make when one of us during the stages of oncoming early dementia says something blistering to someone.

That adds a bit of fun to those of us in the Viagra Generation. It is not like we have all that much more to look forward to in life so we have to take our little bits of fun where they can be easily scavenged.

Actually the future, in my opinion anyway, is not all bleak. Once lucky enough for Alzheimer's to fully set in I will be able to meet new people every day, sometimes I will even be able to meet the very same people for the very first time more than once every day, or at least on some days. I always liked meeting people so that doesn’t sound all that bad to me.

Easter could become my favorite holiday of the year. I could have loads of fun hunting for the Easter eggs I just hid a few moments before. As soon as I was finished I could next have my Easter egg hunt and go around hiding my Easter eggs and to make it even better I could then have loads of fun hunting for the Easter eggs I just hid a few moments before.

I am glad that I thought about that. A little earlier I was a bit depressed while thinking about my future and what it might hold, but now things seem much more bright and positive. It’s all just a matter of perspective I suppose. If you do not like something keep looking at it from different perspectives until you find one it looks more appealing from …. and keep looking at it from that perspective and that perspective alone.

OK, a downside just thought of. Someone might be lucky enough to be 'gettin some' every day but not remember it and think they have gone years and years without a piece. Hummmmmm .... major bummer. I will be forced to ponder on that one fer a spell before I commence to decidin' sumpin.

If is it something that you cannot ‘perceive’ away and you have to try to do something to change it I always say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.


Well-Known Member
The wait on that first order a couple of years ago was pretty stressful. I was expecting it to be delivered by a swat team and television crews. Instead, it was just in the mailbox one day. Then when I would try a new seedbank it would be a different type of stress, wondering if they would deliver as promised. It has gotten easier every time. There was one order that, for some reason, had to be signed for and I couldnt help but smile when the representive of the federal government handed me my little package of contraband. I will be making a couple of orders over the next week or so, and I cant wait to start the wait.


i can recommend "attitude" to purchase your seeds. I got my order in like 7 or 8 days, and i live in florida. Pretty quick shipping. They have different methods for shipping. I chose the option of "shipped with sweets", but i wouldn't recommend eating anything coming from a place you don't know. My order came with a wierd new looking box of mm's. They looked stale as hell.
Or you can like have it shipped with a dvd case, they have a pretty good selection as to how you want your seeds shipped. I have checked out other sites, and they don't offer that option.
They do have a "guaranteed stealth" shipping option. Comes with either shirt, wallet, souvenir's. I just don't remember it. You should check it out. I can't wait to germ my "blue mystic" i got from them.