Oregon becomes the first state to reclassify Cannabis!


Well-Known Member
Wooooo hooo, way to go Oregon!


SALEM, Ore. - The State of Oregon has re-classified how it views marijuana.

The State Board of Pharmacy voted Wednesday to recognize pot as a drug that has medical use.

The move came because of a law passed last year that ordered marijuana to be removed from a list of drugs that have "high abuse potential and no acceptable medical use."

Marijuana will now be what is known as a "Schedule II controlled substance." That's a drug that has medical use but still has "high abuse potential."

Oregon becomes the first state in the nation to make marijuana anything less serious than a Schedule I drug.


Well-Known Member
SWEET!!! It only makes sense for every medical marijuana state to make it a class II substance.


Well-Known Member
I'll Be glad When the rest of the country catches up with MMJ but its would also be great to have Cannabis reclassified to though


Active Member
I think Texas could be closer then you'd suspect, if you look at the last presidential election although Mccain took Texas without much of a problem, the Democrats did take much the border region and some areas near Houston and of course Austin as well. Now although that really isn't that big of a Change it is the first time that Democrats started to look stronger in the South so it is again, progress. Texas isn't anywhere near medical right now, but I would expect it to be less then the next 50 years, quite possibly even if the next 10, depending on what happens around the nation, I would pick Kansas as my last state to go medical, hopefully I'm wrong for my cousins sake haha


Well-Known Member
I think Texas could be closer then you'd suspect, if you look at the last presidential election although Mccain took Texas without much of a problem, the Democrats did take much the border region and some areas near Houston and of course Austin as well. Now although that really isn't that big of a Change it is the first time that Democrats started to look stronger in the South so it is again, progress. Texas isn't anywhere near medical right now, but I would expect it to be less then the next 50 years, quite possibly even if the next 10, depending on what happens around the nation, I would pick Kansas as my last state to go medical, hopefully I'm wrong for my cousins sake haha
I don't think MMJ is Democrat dominate issue. Infact most Conservative Republicans that I know view marijuana prohibition as bad. Az. just passed it and it pass because of Republican support.


Well-Known Member
Majority states will need to be in line before Congress even begins to think about making it a federal case. We are making progress, but if we go about this at the state level, we are a looooong way off.