Oregon! First to legalize?


Well-Known Member
reading helps, true haha. i think it would be more regulated than it leads on to be tho. then again i just dont trust the government at all, call me crazy


Well-Known Member
yeah im glad i live in oregon, but man i hope this passes
Ok, you live in Oregon and you hope this passes. That will not get it done. We just went through the process for a Medical Marijuana Inititive in Michigan, we are waiting for the board of Canvessors to certify those signatures.
The way I am reading this is that this is an initiative, to put the proposal on the ballot for 2010. Between now and then they will have to collect a fair amount (Not sure what that is in Oregon, in Michigan it was 304,101) of signatures from registered voters, to accomplish this. Many campaigns, in fact most, pay people to collect signatures. It is a lot of work, often seems thankless, you would be a part of writing new law.
Please, if you live in Oregon contact the organization and ask if they need help gathering signatures. VV


Well-Known Member
i've lived in oregon, and before there's a big exodus there, you should know something. oregon is a VERY expensive place to live!!! everything costs more in oregon! i wanted to get my motorcycle endorsement on my license, it was like $80. and that was in addition to my regular fee. same with food too.


Well-Known Member
Avoiding jailtime versus paying 4 bucks for a gallon of milk.. ill take the milk! Nah i know where your coming from. Everyone should make sure they have a job secured before they move, wages are nice there too to make up for it. At least mine are (i set tile in houses for a living) , so ill be okay. But a regular kid might have trouble.

Watch the hippie movement start again and everyone heads to Oregon ahahha.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone attempted to find out what the requirement for cultivation will be? As far as on the individual and the zoning of land. Since the proposed law is fairly vague only stating that qualified persons license will state where they are authorized to grow(more or less). I know that I lived in a place where tattooing was illegal until a few years ago and when they legalized it it was a year or so before anyone could get a tattoo because there was no property zoned for tattooing. Could be the same thing maybe?


Well-Known Member
Well just to see if there was any clarification available I contacted the S.O.S. office asking about licensing requirements to cultivate if the law was passed (I.E. requirements on a person and/or land as far as zoning). They responded with this (which was not very helpful)....

Hi *******,
The initiative you reference has not yet been approved for circulation,
which means that the proponents of the change have not yet even begun
gathering signatures for the petition. If they gather enough valid
signatures[82,769] by July 2010, it will be on the November 2010 ballot. Until
then, it's premature to say that it will be voted on in 2010.

As for your questions, those answers are probably best posed to the
proponents of the initiative, who you can find by clicking here:
Search Criteria Form, and then
selecting IRR #2 from the 2010 list. Their own interpretation, though,
may be different than the interpretation made by the appropriate agency
if the law passes.


Scott Moore
Chief of Communications
Oregon Secretary of State's Office

So I would imagine they are not really happy to see this even proposed. But here is his email if you would like to bother him with questions Scott.Moore@state.or.us.
Just thought it was kind of funny


Well-Known Member
In my opinion it will go through. Theres enough people to vote it
in for a ballot vote. I dont think he sounded pushy or anything..
sounded to me like he just was saying the "politcally correct vanilla
response." To be expected unless your talking to him personally.
I think he has a *.txt file on his desktop and whenever a letter
comes in inquiring about that I think he cut and pastes it.

I know I would if I were him. =) Im sure he has a different and
a biased opinion as every does in person. Biased in which direction..
I cant tell from that letter.


Well-Known Member
OMG! what will happen to Oregon!!! It will become more populated than California!!!! Do they have an economic plan For when 1,000,000,000,000 hippies sudden;y move to Oregon?


Well-Known Member
What will happen to all the money from the rest of the country?
It will be deserted!


Well-Known Member
And all the states will fall to a domino effect of legalization just to keep their economies in balance just for stoners to live in their state, lol.


Well-Known Member
if this happens i will buy land in oregon definetly i thought prop 215 was cool for us here in ca. but legalization yessssssssss!!


Well-Known Member
if marijuana becomes legal in the u.s. the value of weed will go to zero. if pot growers / smokers are free to share their experience and ideas with other smokers / growers more weed will grow in abundance all across the nation . remember its not alcohol its not manufactured . it grows and if it grew everywhere it would eventually lose its street value. there will always be the guy who just wants to go buy it but most smokers will grow their own and share it with others. thats why its not legal (not because its dangerous like they claim). i cant wait for the day to grow bud in my front yard or my neighbors .


Well-Known Member
....Did you also know that marijuana is illegal in the US because of the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances? ...
This is the same Org that started getting pissed off over the Vending Machines in Cali.

I feel we should kick the UN to the curb anyways.. hell from what I understood we arent paying our UN Dues anyway. No pay no play


Well-Known Member
This is the same Org that started getting pissed off over the Vending Machines in Cali.

I feel we should kick the UN to the curb anyways.. hell from what I understood we arent paying our UN Dues anyway. No pay no play
The reason marijuana is from purely political reasons. I have heard and read the different origins of the criminalization of marijuana, but the History Channel's take it in is the most enlightening.

In short, the primary reason for marijuana being criminalized was in effort to stigmatize and deport Mexican immigrants who had been a great labor force during the 1920s but then were a burden during the Great Depression. Marijuana became guise for the United State's persecution for unwanted Mexican immigrants who were now a liability. That was a long time ago, but the U.S. doesn't want to admit this and will keep up the charade till this day due to pride.

Also, the War on Drugs is criticised for costing billions of dollars and over populating jail systems. However, what people do not consider is how much money has been gained over it. People's homes, cars, and money has been seized due to this "war" and all that is profit for the state or police station. Why decriminalize it if you get to auction off people's assets for money? Need less corrupt politicians or more enlightened ones.

I am not saying all drugs should be decriminalized, sorry ya'll, but I defend marijuana vehemently. I have seen to much go wrong with all the other, "harder" stuff and first hand seen the dangers they possess.


Active Member
My impression of Oregon, other than the beauty of nature in all her glory, was not good. It seems like a "make-work" state. I mean, you can't even pump your own gasoline there. The Salem area looks like a city full of welfare reciepients. Most of the women are grossly over weight. And, I found out why they named the capital Salem. Its because people don't drive their cars there ... they sail 'em. I've never seen so damned much rain in my life! If you're a hunter, or like to fish, the place is great. Other than that, what's there?
How dare you speak of Oregon this way. Myself being 17yo thinks that hiring people at gas stations is a good way for me to get a job. On the other hand I'm not quite sure where you found all these grossly overwieght women. Possibly jogging down the streets of Salem?
I have lived in Oregon my whole life and never seen flooding, i think u are just a hater.I say all you stoners DO come to Oregon and we get this shit legalized!