Oregon stealth grower wants to become legal


New Member
I was wndering if I have no medical condition, can I still become a grower through OMMP for patients? I have 7 acres in the country, and would love to do some outdoor legal growing.
If anyone here in OR needs a grower, and can add me to their card I would sure appreciate it, and so will you!


Well-Known Member
i dont need a grower but yes you can become a grower for patients but you still arent legal to smoke it just grow it


New Member
Well, looks like I found 2 people to help out. Anyone know how late is too late to start an outdoor grow? lol


Well-Known Member
its gettin pretty late but i think if they were vegged out for a min and the time shedule matched the outside you should be fine

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Wow, marketing on rollitup for caregivers! haha love it

Just be careful who you do business with on here. Most seem chill, but you def don't want to find yourself in a sketchy situation when you are going to be doing stuff on YOUR land, and you are NOT a med patient.

If you are looking to get your card, you do not need to actually have a condition. Severe Pain & Migraines are the top 2 reasons for common pains experienced by individuals worldwide. If you go into your doc, all you have to do is create a case history, tell him you're in pain. He won't look you in the eye and say no you're not get out. So after that visit, you now have visit #1 of severe pain or migraines, or both, in your medical record. Next step... Get a followup! #2 has to be 30 or 60 days after your first visit, I can't remember which. Check on OMMP.org After your second visit, you can either print out a doctors endorsement and have your doc sign the form saying med marijuana will help you with your condition. Take this down to DHS services and they will stamp it for $100 ($20 if you're on food stamps or assistance), and it's all done. If your doc won't endorse it, you can still fax your records up to a Portland, Bend, or Eugene clinic that will charge you $120 for a visit. They only schedule an appt for you if you qualify, so the sec they call you back you know you got it. It's all a matter of getting up to that other doctor, going thru a 30 min process of approval n records review, then you're out the door and on your way to DHS. Either way, it's not a complex process. Bit harder than Cali from what I hear, but still easy and well worth it!