Wow, marketing on rollitup for caregivers! haha love it
Just be careful who you do business with on here. Most seem chill, but you def don't want to find yourself in a sketchy situation when you are going to be doing stuff on YOUR land, and you are NOT a med patient.
If you are looking to get your card, you do not need to actually have a condition. Severe Pain & Migraines are the top 2 reasons for common pains experienced by individuals worldwide. If you go into your doc, all you have to do is create a case history, tell him you're in pain. He won't look you in the eye and say no you're not get out. So after that visit, you now have visit #1 of severe pain or migraines, or both, in your medical record. Next step... Get a followup! #2 has to be 30 or 60 days after your first visit, I can't remember which. Check on After your second visit, you can either print out a doctors endorsement and have your doc sign the form saying med marijuana will help you with your condition. Take this down to DHS services and they will stamp it for $100 ($20 if you're on food stamps or assistance), and it's all done. If your doc won't endorse it, you can still fax your records up to a Portland, Bend, or Eugene clinic that will charge you $120 for a visit. They only schedule an appt for you if you qualify, so the sec they call you back you know you got it. It's all a matter of getting up to that other doctor, going thru a 30 min process of approval n records review, then you're out the door and on your way to DHS. Either way, it's not a complex process. Bit harder than Cali from what I hear, but still easy and well worth it!