They look like a mag deficiency.
Tell me about your water? I have those show up when I run too much tap water in my systems or if I use my RO water and don't add Cal-Mag.
Have you looked at the sick plant guide?
It is eighther a calcium def or a maganese defhelp please... these brown spots are all over my white dwarf and the other has them too but less...
Think of your roots as water pumps, water pumps for the ocean are more resilient to the sea salts. Some plants work great in low PPM environments and others work great in high PPM environments. I believe it has to do with your genetics and your trying to use a fresh water pump in the salt water. I have many plants that hate anything over 1000PPM and others that love to be over 1500PPM. I see those spots when I use my 450PPM tap water and add nutes because it bumps the level up enough to lock out the plants that only want 1000PPM solution. Your salt is clogging the pumps. Mineral water is like water from the dead sea to your plants, way too much what should i do besides changing water?? but why would my water only create a lockout on my White dwarfs i mean the other three have been fine!! should i go buy cal mag and apply?? i read the guide i have some characteristics of mag deficiency but it doesnt look so because i dont have yellowing turning brown i only have brown spots its like a rusty color and its little dots all over the leafs which grow and spread... it looks abit as a ph fluctuation prob but it doesnt fully fit the description in that either so im kinda lost....
If you apply Cal-Mag, be sure it is used in RO water or distilled water only or you will be doing the same thing your mineral water is doing.Thanks for the help guys!!!here are some more pics didnt have time to buy calmag today but i will tomorrow im treating it as cal mag def!! dub iv been smoking around my plants but il stop it has a good outake fan though for the space more like overkill!! anyways... i also put in the last pic the sweeeeeeet newsalmost there.....
Yes, it is rare and the seed will not germinate. The plant can produce sterile seeds but it is rare.and i looked again nooooooo bananas in sight!!! can the plant produce seeds without having bananas??
I recommend buying a pH meter and measuring your run off to be sure. Then flush it with as much pure 7.0 water as you can then feed it pure water for a week. The problem is it is hard to digest the nutrients from the soil quickly so the process will take from what i have gathered my soils ph must have gone around 5.5 if i water with a water that has a ph of 7 will this not help?? i dont have any kind of ph meters cause i thought that since evrything was measured out from the beggining i wouldnt need any! but i guess the guanos changed the soils ph... anyways my white dwarfs are two weeks from harvest so fucking them up now would be sad......