Organic Bud Rot Prevention??


Active Member
As most of people are getting into the flower season and there seems to be no shortage of rain in the forecast, I figured it would good to bring up the dreaded topic of bud rot. Not something I know much about other than that it's a bitch. So hopefully some experts can chime in with some advise for folks who may have waited til the last min to take any preventative steps.

As far as prevention I have heard that neem oil works well. But is it ok to use still if you're in the 1st week or so of flower? If so, how long into flower can you use it?

If you manage to keep thicker buds dry, via a canopy of some sort, but humidity is still high, does the canopy do much to reduce the risk of rot?


Active Member
1 part Milk to 9 parts Water, spray on affected areas.
DONT WATER AT NIGHT! if you water just before night, the plants have to sit in still water all night causing root rot, which can lead to budrot.
Neem Oil protects the leaf by coating it with a thin oily residue, making it harder for fungus to infect the plant.
hope this helps, mold is my enemy.

PS, i have heard the product "SERENADE" works well, it is a mix of beneficial bacteria that will kill the mold spores.
B. subtilis strain QST 713 (marketed as QST 713 or Serenade) has a natural fungicidal activity, and is employed as a biological control agent.


Active Member
Does it matter if it's whole or skim milk? And is that also good to do as prevention, before there's a problem?

How long into flower should these be applied?