Organic cloning medium?


Active Member
Do you all who grow organically tend to stick your clones in a certain type of medium? Soil? Or just the same kind of stuff that other growers use?


Active Member
If you use ready rooters do you need to use cloning gel? Someone told me no cloning gel is needed.
Always use cloning gel or powder ready rooters don't have anything in them, they are just a sponge material that holds moisture and nutes that you give them. You still need gel or powder imo, not saying she won't root without but your chances more than triple imo with use of rooting hormones


Active Member
Soil always works for me.

Powder works for these as well.
Soil was all id used before but I really like these things, you can rip small chunk off side and shove it gently in with stem to help support it till it roots, I also found tearing off chunk and shoving it in after putting seed in helped seed get good root before it sprouted out top, had a couple seedlings root to bottom and shove root, and all out top till I did this haha


Well-Known Member
I just use clonex and put it into a cloner. After that, filtered 6.0 pH'd water. When I used rapid rooters or rockwool and domes, I'd do basically the same thing in the tray.


Well-Known Member
Root toner, soil and water sometimes they need a dome but here I have perfect weather for clones. I have tried many others and still use rockwool ever great once in awhile but I put in a 16 oz container and I am done for at least a few weeks. The soil I use is what I plant everything in and retains water well, I usually don't water again until I have good new growth and then they get an 1/8 strength fish emulsion drink. After this they are in their final containers, easiest way for me.


Active Member
rapid rooters are decomposed tree bark and imo work the best. couple tricks w/ them....poke into the bottom of the hole w/ clean scissors about 1/4 inch b4 putting cutting in. and after cutting is in tear a small piece of the RR plug off the top corner and wedge it in the hole to secure the cutting. <<<this + dome & heat mat = 100%! i regularly toss cuttings...i take more than i need and keep the best. 100% 100% of the time!