Organic grow bud issues. Triangle haze kush and lemon lime


New Member
Hi, this is my first grow for a while I attempted to make super soil and have had a rollercoaster ride with my two mother plants (took about 100 clones from them I'm guessing. This is them now. After like 6 months this is what I'm dealing with.
Found a light leak a week ago, plugged it up, I thought they were getting close to finishing not long before that.
Next I had a lot of leaf damage from having my light set to 600watts in the tent too close
When I fertilized about a month ago I got nute burn on the triangle haze in particular it seems more susceptible to damage.
I'm harvesting the lemon lime to make room in the tent and wondering if I left it would there be room for buds filling out?? Tips for what to do next with triangle haze kush would be great if love it to bounce back and really fill out. Cheers legendstriangle
triangle haze kush
lemon lime
Lemon lime budIMG20211105190504.jpgIMG20211105190458.jpg


Well-Known Member
The damage to the leaves is permanent. I wouldn't harvest unless trichomes are turning amber. If you only have clear ones, it's still too early to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Something is way off on your situation. What’s your super soil? What’s your feeding regime if any? Really everything you out into the plant should be looked at to diagnose


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I’m wrong.

They honestly don’t look burnt from nutrient overload as much as just fudked at the soil level. My guess, bad watering practices with constant adjusting ph down. Phosphoric acid is not a vitamin for plants…..

Maybe op will chime in and say never adjusted water ph. But it looks like sterilized super soil to me. Bad practice will stop the train in its tracks. So to speak.

9 times out of 10 is water, typically under watered in soils. “Super soil” ( which can mean 1000 different things) needs watering everyday IMO. Even if the volume of water is low still a bit each day to keep soil microherd happy is key.

The other 1 out of 10 is usually ph adjusting straight water.


New Member
Yeah I have been pH adjusting. My super soil had wormcastings, dolomite lime, char, azomite, spagnum miss, perlite, probably other stuff. After they were nitrogen defic early I gave them some cyco grow then used some flowering nutes that's when they cooked. Yeah I didn't keep the water up either at times. It's all a learning curve and am just going to use coco and perlite with the greenplanet range from now on got some big healthy girls ready to go. Thanks heaps for the replies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have been pH adjusting. My super soil had wormcastings, dolomite lime, char, azomite, spagnum miss, perlite, probably other stuff. After they were nitrogen defic early I gave them some cyco grow then used some flowering nutes that's when they cooked. Yeah I didn't keep the water up either at times. It's all a learning curve and am just going to use coco and perlite with the greenplanet range from now on got some big healthy girls ready to go. Thanks heaps for the replies.
I assume by char you mean biochar? If you used raw biochar and didn't charge it before adding it to your mix that may explain your early nitrogen deficiency as it was balancing your c:n ratio and taking nitrogen from your soil.

Keeping up on water is really important growing organically as you want your biology to keep chugging along in your soil, too much of a dryback will stall out or reduce your microbe population depending on how far you go. Not that drybacks cant have their place to initiate a SAR response but they should be controlled if you plan on going that route. Letting your soil get completely dry also causes pH swings which can lead to a lot of issues you're seeing now.

Live and learn, I'd still try to let them finish unless the plant itself was actually dead, harvesting early is something you never really want to do unless it's absolutely the only way to save your crop.


New Member
Yeah I ended up pulling both plants because they looked terrible and I have so many 1meter tall plants.
I repotted a couple that were about 800mm tall into pots with big slits down the side which fits into a 13Litre bucket which I put 100mm of water nutrient solution and they have been going mental probably 200mm of growth in the last 2 days on the best plant of the two.
I'm considering buying this kit for the bloom stage and sticking to the program. My friend uses this stuff and has awesome results!


New Member
I assume by char you mean biochar? If you used raw biochar and didn't charge it before adding it to your mix that may explain your early nitrogen deficiency as it was balancing your c:n ratio and taking nitrogen from your soil.

Keeping up on water is really important growing organically as you want your biology to keep chugging along in your soil, too much of a dryback will stall out or reduce your microbe population depending on how far you go. Not that drybacks cant have their place to initiate a SAR response but they should be controlled if you plan on going that route. Letting your soil get completely dry also causes pH swings which can lead to a lot of issues you're seeing now.

Live and learn, I'd still try to let them finish unless the plant itself was actually dead, harvesting early is something you never really want to do unless it's absolutely the only way to save your crop.
Thanks for the reply, yeah I don't know about activating charcoal. Bit off a bit much with jumping into super soil. Going to stick to the hydro chemicals, ppm pen and pH pen.

Boreal Curing

Well-Known Member
Your soil is too hot with near Zero Potassium. 3rd picture shows this clearly. Awesome P deficiency example btw.

This issue is common when people make their own supersoil without enough research and hard thought.