Organic Growing Made Easy & Fox Farms Ocean Forest!

I like a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Promix, that way the roots can have alittle food, but not tomuch so the roots keep growing and spreading trying to find more food. after a couple weeks of just water, i give them a worm casting tea.
I like a 50/50 mix of FFOF and Promix, that way the roots can have alittle food, but not tomuch so the roots keep growing and spreading trying to find more food. after a couple weeks of just water, i give them a worm casting tea.

With my first mix from above I first saw yellowing about 45 days into the grow, so I added a little more food to the second batch which I just made.
How about you tho M420? When do you first get yellowing when using you mix? And I mean yellowing suggesting an N def. which is prob always the first thing to tail off.

From my understanding, the bag of FFOF should be a good months feed right? Maybe a couple weeks more but IDK.
I also use AACTs. I bubble by the gal with a 10gal fish tank pump.
I've switched my mix and added Bat Guano on the regular now, and soil as compost material rather than EWCs, to avoid the bacterial dominance of the teas.
The only thing I've got on hand to provide fungi is the kelp meal and I use those in combination with Neptunes Harvest Liquid Fish and a Hi-P Bat Guano.
Can't forget the Molasses
Gonna try the Banana Peels also in a couple waterings.
Read some nice things about it's K boost here.

But yeah hows the soil mix worked out so far??

*edit-Also, no perlite? How the drainage? I never thought not to add more just to be safe than sorry ya know..
But if it works's save me some cash :joint:
Sincerely 420,
Thanks so much for a great post, which I believe could easily be sticky'd! I know a good deal of folks use Subcool's super mix, which is awesome, but it's great to see other ideas as well. I was planning on using FFOF straight on my new project, but now I think I'll give your mix a whirl! Thanks again!
Hey no prob Mystic!
i know a lot of ppl use the super soil on here too lol but I can't be arsed.
I'm getting great results from my first mix lad, so I know this second one will be a killer and even better!
The best part is that it's a water only and AACTs from time to time mix!

Make SURE you water it and let it sit for a bit so that it can cycle for a while. Like 3 weeks to a month.
This will ENSURE that you DON'T burn your seedlings!!!

Even if you end up using it just outta the bag...Water it and let it sit for a bit beforehand. This is called letting your soil "cook".
The way I see it tho.....growing this way is dope....If you focus on making a good soil for your plants....the best you can make....
And then put them into that mix....They will thrive!
Like I said, imagine the baby that gets to eat everytime it's hungry compared to the baby that's fed on a schedule...

If you take a LITTLE time to plan ahead, you'll save yourself EVERY headache in the first couple months that you can imagine haha
Good luck bro :joint:
Lets say something like that...BUT all the amendments you buy will last for a few grows. Atleast 4-5 grows.
With those amendments you make ACTs, which are basically like making your own bottled nutes.

This is the link to my local shop and what I got and what it cost: <-Kelp Meal(last a few grows per bag) <-Liquid Fish(last a few grows per bottle) <-EWCs x2(you'll use a lot of these. A bag might last a grow or two)
<-Hi Cal Lime(small thing lasts a few grows)<-Azomite(small thing lasts a few grows) <-FFOF(I use x1 1.5cu ft bag per soil mix and have bought 2 bags to date) <-Mycos(One thing
lasts a few grows)<- Perlite(I've bought a couple of these)

Prices of everything I have(soil wise) are there. I get the smallest of everything except soil and earthworm castings. You'll need a good amount of both..
But as far as everything else....Get the smallest quantites and they'll last you a few grows...

Amazon is good for all the things you need too(soil amendment wise).
I had to get my Bat Guano and my rock dust from Amazon, and my green sand and tomato tone from a local nursery.

I also got a small 10 gal fish tank pump to bubble my teas with from Amazon, and called it a day.
Appreciates BrownEs!

I am indeed using this mix without any nutes from seed to flowering!
I do however use AACT(actively aerated compost teas) which are made from the amendments that I have left over from the soil mix.
Get ahold of a book called Teaming With Microbes if you can.
Also...The following is one of the BEST READS THAT I'VE EVER COME ACROSS regarding building a good soil..


Take your time and get to know what you're doing before you add anything if you choose to do so.
It helps to know what it takes to make a good soil when you plan on it. FFOF out of the bag is a complete soil, I just don't know how long it'll last without amending it.

If you copy my mix and let it sit for 3weeks before you use it, you'll be good from start to finish. Water only.
But you should get to know these AACTs.

It'll help you understand Organic gardening in an easy to read fashion. It'll also help explain what AACTs are.
But if you make a good enough soil you plants will have a CONSTANT supply of nourishment for your plants.

You'll save a WHOLE LOT of headaches by planning ahead just a little bit.

Imagine how fast a baby would grow if it could eat whenever it wanted to. :joint:
Wow,That is a great article Sincerely. Thanks so uch. I am now seriously considering your latest variation on the mix as opposed to straight FFOF.Ill look for the book as well!
Wow,That is a great article Sincerely. Thanks so uch. I am now seriously considering your latest variation on the mix as opposed to straight FFOF.Ill look for the book as well!

Never a prob bro! Works for me, so I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work for anyone else! Good luck bro, you got this :joint:
I use happy frog and ocean forest, I mix each with 25% perlite. I use the happy frog in party cups for seedlings, clones and then they get transplanted into ocean forest around 2-3 weeks. I give no nutes until I'm actually in flower.

That's wassup bro!
I was wondering how long it lasted on it own ya know?
Glad you added your 2cents!
But simply judging by what's in the bag, I have no doubt in my mind that you could use it water only until flowering!
Lots of things our plants like!

And I was gonna look into the Happy Frog this go around, but I figured I'd build off of this grows results ya know?
So I kept it constant with FFOF.
I'm using my first mix from the OP with my seedlings too bro, and they seem to love it.
No burn, just green. And possibly some added vigor.

And I'll ALWAYS vouch for the added 25% perlite just to be safe. I'm not sure whether or not if it needs it...I just know it's better off with..

Also bro, what kinda nutes are you using with the FFOF?
That's wassup bro!
I was wondering how long it lasted on it own ya know?
Glad you added your 2cents!
But simply judging by what's in the bag, I have no doubt in my mind that you could use it water only until flowering!
Lots of things our plants like!

And I was gonna look into the Happy Frog this go around, but I figured I'd build off of this grows results ya know?
So I kept it constant with FFOF.
I'm using my first mix from the OP with my seedlings too bro, and they seem to love it.
No burn, just green. And possibly some added vigor.

And I'll ALWAYS vouch for the added 25% perlite just to be safe. I'm not sure whether or not if it needs it...I just know it's better off with..

Also bro, what kinda nutes are you using with the FFOF?
I use Botanicare nutes. Their organic soil ones. Im currently using some samples of mendocino avalanche and humic acid although normally i dont add anything else but molasses and the flower nute.
That's wassup lad.

I'm seeing all green when I look at you "current shit" so I would vouch for what you're doing!
I don't have a good knowledge of bottles nutes tho, as I'm totally organic w/ a water only soil, so when any questions flow in regarding the use of FFOF with bottled nutes, hopefully you can take care of them! Good stuff tho bro.
I'll get thru your journal today to see what your at with everything!
Appreciate ya brother :leaf:
This has really made me want to play in the soil :D Great postings! I can't wait to reread it and absorb.

I use FFOF...have never amended the soil before (would loove to start trying tho!) I actually supplement with Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Soil in Veg and PB Bloom in flowering.

I have to say...I've noticed in a lot of my grows that my fan leaves try to yellow too early so I'm thinking I need to do something different to the soil to prevent this.

You've been very informative.
This has really made me want to play in the soil :D Great postings! I can't wait to reread it and absorb.

I use FFOF...have never amended the soil before (would loove to start trying tho!) I actually supplement with Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Soil in Veg and PB Bloom in flowering.

I have to say...I've noticed in a lot of my grows that my fan leaves try to yellow too early so I'm thinking I need to do something different to the soil to prevent this.

You've been very informative.

You've also chipped in with this bit too so thank you! I'm sure someone will benefit from knowing how you use you're FFOF.
There ain't one way to do everything lol...sadly some ppl here just don't get that...but oh we'll right?, I'm no one to try and change set minds! I just try an make things visible for them lol.

and you right on about the N. Its always the first to go given what we grow I just bring up some befor I pot into it ya know? Supplementing the FFOF. Making it better in my own way ya know?!
BUT do know that the salts in Chemical nutes kills the soil slowly, so to have a truly effect soil ecosystem, u gotta eschew the chemicals!
idk what the nutes u listed are, so I assumed they're chemical..if they're not, you still get my example I'm sure! GL!
I too am an inspired gardener! Welcome to RIU! There are some good souls here haha u just gotta seek em out!
You've also chipped in with this bit too so thank you! I'm sure someone will benefit from knowing how you use you're FFOF.
There ain't one way to do everything lol...sadly some ppl here just don't get that...but oh we'll right?, I'm no one to try and change set minds! I just try an make things visible for them lol.

and you right on about the N. Its always the first to go given what we grow I just bring up some befor I pot into it ya know? Supplementing the FFOF. Making it better in my own way ya know?!
BUT do know that the salts in Chemical nutes kills the soil slowly, so to have a truly effect soil ecosystem, u gotta eschew the chemicals!
idk what the nutes u listed are, so I assumed they're chemical..if they're not, you still get my example I'm sure! GL!
I too am an inspired gardener! Welcome to RIU! There are some good souls here haha u just gotta seek em out!

Yea, some people get SO riled up just because they disagree about dif growing methods. I like to read A LOT and spread out the reading to different materials to try to take what I like from each :D Marijuana is my religion :D haha.

The Pure Blend Pro Series includes all natural and organic-based, one part base nutrient formulas optimally blended for desired nutrition in each phase of growth. While Pure Blend Pro Grow provides accelerated vegetative growth, Pure Blend Pro Bloom and Pro Soil allow fruits and flowers to flourish.
got that from their site...

I don't want to rely just on the soil the way I've got it though. That's why I like how detailed you got about amending your soil. There's nothing worse than tasting chems ewwww :( I flush...use to flush for two weeks, but I'm thinking of cutting it down to a week. :)

Oh yea- I can tell you are an inspired gardener! I'm looking forward to reading your grow journal all the way through:leaf:
Nice! I appreciate ur kindness! We got work to do!
And I'm def. with you on apply what I like and what works for me.
I've followed that rule of thumb in life in general to this point and its been a ride!