Organic Indoor AK-48 under T5 (Veg & Bloom) with BMO Nutrients


Well-Known Member
hey skunk you aint the only one that been MIA for a few days... im also just stoppin by to say whats up auzzie?? hope all is good with you!!


Well-Known Member
Got ya, sounds like you did everything right just give it time. Yum the pineapple chunk sounds great and wow thats a high thc content!

About the rockwool, yep just plant it right in there. Just make sure when you first transplant her to hit the rockwool when watering, you wouldn't want those precious roots to dry up!!
Yup, granted 25% is under optimal conditions, but still...impressive.

I will be sure to keep the roots nice and wet when I throw it into some soil.

Hey Auzzie, been in MIA for the holiday. I see you took some clones, how are they doing?
Just took one. It's alive, but a bit droopy. Been keeping it in a humidity dome (half a 2 liter bottle) and haven't seen any roots yet, but I've still got at least a week before I'll begin to worry.

hey skunk you aint the only one that been MIA for a few days... im also just stoppin by to say whats up auzzie?? hope all is good with you!!
All is well. Just got my oldest girl up to around 275-300 PPM nute solutions. Slowly but surely. I've got the two oldest up to 8" right now, and hoping they can gain another 3" within the next two weeks. As soon as they hit 12" I'm flipping the timer to flower and seeing what this bagseed's genetics' have going for it. Right now I've got long white pistils, good branching with pistils appearing on each branch. Still no smell other than 'green' but I'm not complaining.


Active Member
I have 5 aurora indica and 3 afgani plants growing right now and their looking really healthy. will a 400 watt ups be enough light for 8 plants? I was thinking about picking up a couple 125 watt cfls.


Well-Known Member
a 400w could be enough for 8 if you keep them small, but prob would be a good idea to place some cfls for side lighting...


Well-Known Member

I apologize in advance for not rotating the pictures, when I went to upload them, the preview showed them as right-side-up. I'm very happy with the growth of all of them thus far. Everything is looking good. The clone I took a couple days back isn't doing so well. All the leaves are drooping, despite maintaining it's green hue. No roots have kicked through the rapid rooter plug yet, I've still got my fingers crossed though. The biggest/oldest girl (first pictured below) is starting to develop calyxes I believe. The area in which the pistil is sprouting from is starting to bulk up a bit. Not quite like a pollen sack, though, hence why I'm leaning towards swollen calyxes. Alright, enough of me jabbering, onto the pictures.

I've got 5 girls right now. Here they are outside of the light for a little fresh air and some cleaning of the grow area.
2010-12-02 16.11.59.jpg
And then there they are again back in the clean room:
2010-12-02 16.19.35.jpg

Here is the oldest girl, she has really exploded recently. Especially in terms of width and amount of pistils.
2010-12-02 16.08.36.jpg2010-12-02 16.09.02.jpg2010-12-02 16.12.31.jpg

And a side-view of the second oldest girl:
2010-12-02 16.09.31.jpg
Along with an aerial of her:
2010-12-02 16.09.48.jpg

The third oldest girl from the side:
2010-12-02 16.10.33.jpg

As well as an aerial of her:
2010-12-02 16.10.08.jpg

The runt of the bunch (fourth oldest - started maybe 2 weeks ago?):
2010-12-02 16.11.11.jpg

As well an aerial view:
2010-12-02 16.11.25.jpg

And the youngest of all of them. This is the only one I'm unsure of the sex, but I believe there are pistils beginning to appear:
2010-12-02 16.10.45.jpg

And aerial view:
2010-12-02 16.10.55.jpg


Well-Known Member
It has definitely allowed me to realize the rate of growth. Before, I thought all my growth was slow. But as it gets older, the growth rate increases exponentially. So to all uber-noobs, if you think your plant is growing slowly, give it a couple weeks and I'm sure it will quicken up. Thanks.

Also, by throwing multiple plants into flowering at different stages, I should be able to extrapolate how long I should be vegging my plants. If a plant that is only 8" tall yields as much as the one that I let go to 11" then there is not much use in allowing the plant to veg the couple extra weeks before flipping the switch. Just another experiment that has come about.


Active Member
Nice update Auzzie, the girls are looking fantastic. I agree with Smelly, you'll have a nice harvest window with all of them being at different stages. Great job!!


Well-Known Member
It has definitely allowed me to realize the rate of growth. Before, I thought all my growth was slow. But as it gets older, the growth rate increases exponentially. So to all uber-noobs, if you think your plant is growing slowly, give it a couple weeks and I'm sure it will quicken up. Thanks.

Also, by throwing multiple plants into flowering at different stages, I should be able to extrapolate how long I should be vegging my plants. If a plant that is only 8" tall yields as much as the one that I let go to 11" then there is not much use in allowing the plant to veg the couple extra weeks before flipping the switch. Just another experiment that has come about.
I like it! THe experiments is what keep it interesting :) That and the dank as bud that grows from a seed lol...

I actually did a similar experiment my first time around "on accident." My 2' WonderWoman yielded almost as much as 4' short rider haha... That was under straight cfl's but it shows that keeping them short and compact with cfl's is the way to go! If I was growing with cfl's only, which I will be again soon. I wouldn't grow a plant taller than 2'.


Well-Known Member
I like it! THe experiments is what keep it interesting :) That and the dank as bud that grows from a seed lol...

I actually did a similar experiment my first time around "on accident." My 2' WonderWoman yielded almost as much as 4' short rider haha... That was under straight cfl's but it shows that keeping them short and compact with cfl's is the way to go! If I was growing with cfl's only, which I will be again soon. I wouldn't grow a plant taller than 2'.
So are you switching back to CFL's over your HID entirely?


Well-Known Member
So are you switching back to CFL's over your HID entirely?
Yea for now. I might pick up a 150 watt hps for my flowering cab when its ready but I still have a few weeks for that. I'm growing in a 16x20x53 cab next, so its a lot smaller then the corner of my closet I'm using now. Then I have an even smaller veg/clone cab so I have to make this work for the time being :)


Well-Known Member
Quick Update:

The clone finally kicked out some roots (putting it in at 8 days before showing some nice, white root growth). After about 5 days I started to mist it with a mixture of pH'd water and Advanced Nutrients Nirvana. I can't say if it made it root quicker, as I didn't have a control to judge it with.

I'm giving it 14 more days before I flip to flowering. Still need to go grab that Pineapple Chunk cutting, I've just been so busy with things lately (hence my lack of RIU'ing) that I haven't had a chance. I'm hoping he just took the cutting and rooted it for me so I have a nice rooted clone to throw in before I flip to flower, otherwise I'm going to lose quite a bit of yield for lacking a solid root system.

Pictures tomorrow or the next day. So many flower-sites, so many pistils, so much taller, so much wider. Getting good, boys.


Well-Known Member
Smelly - Did you go directly into soil or into a cube/plug? And also, is it a flowering cutting or was it still in veg?


Well-Known Member
I lied. Tomorrow, I swear. I've got some new deficiencies to figure out. Bronze-ing of the leaves from the sides.


Well-Known Member
Smelly - Did you go directly into soil or into a cube/plug? And also, is it a flowering cutting or was it still in veg?
My bad bro I missed this. THey where flowering cuttings this time off my KK. I used 1 plug and put 1 in straight soil. The one in the plug is yellowing really bad but seems like it might make it and the little one in soil is still green and seem good so far:)

BTW I'm doing 1 more run with the HID and CFL"S, changed my mind haha...