organic ppm's


Well-Known Member
Hi -

I used to grow with chemical/synthetic nutes, however, using organics now... I love this one strain, and i know I can peak her at 1400 ppms (.7 ratio) with chemical nutes...

However, every chart I look at, the organics are always lower ppms than the chemical nutes on the same strength feeding schedule( light , medium, heavy)

Is there a reason for this...??? And how high can I use these organics to match my "chemical nute" 1400 ppm strain (.70 ratio)

And should I use EC or PPM's for organics...???

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
granted it is harder to over feed with organics your e.c most likely wont change the plant can handle 1400 i dont think it will be able to handle say 1600 organic. PPM is the same thing as e.c basically you just use a multiplication table to convert so if you are using a e.c of 2.0 right now i would stick with a 2.0 max.


Well-Known Member
Advanced nutrients.... using all of their 100% organic line (regarding the chart), along with scorpion juice..

I just bought this new hanna meter, which has a accuracy of .02 to .05 ( most are .1, I believe) which im all hyped up to try and use...

you can change the ratios on their tds/ec meters, which is cool, since originally the hanna meters use a .50, which in my opionoin sucks, since everyone basically uses a .70 ratio... this thing burned my crops before using advanced nutrients feeding chart (uses .70 conversion)...feed 1400 ppm's and didnt know i was actually feeding at 1940 ppms... advanced ratio conversion is .70 if someone is interested in this info...