Organic Russet Mite Control


New Member
Does anyone have any good organic ideas for russet mites.. the only thing that seems to get rid of em is toxic chems.


Well-Known Member
What have you tried so far? I haven't ever had to battle these yet but first thoughts for me would be my usual go to - neem oil and then other oils such as dr bronners soap with lavender oil and maybe spinosad if those didn't work. If I had to go very toxic to get rid of them, I'd probably pull the crop, bleach, wait, bleach and try again on a new grow. Smoking poison is a no-go. Hopefully, you can find something that works but most organic controls do require repeated efforts over time to be effective.

...One I haven't tried personally but some folks are reporting works well for pest control is a habanero mix. If you do some searches you should find the recipe.