Organic soil help


Another thing I forgot. They were all out of neem so can I just use what I have now and add it when I re-ammend before next grow?


Well-Known Member
Another thing I forgot. They were all out of neem so can I just use what I have now and add it when I re-ammend before next grow?
yea, I just like neem because of it's all around awesome-ness
I'm kidding, well sort of. Neem is pretty good shit
Works as a good medium release source of all NPK, as well as the micros, in particular sulfur.
Cannabis likes sulfur, and it's oftentimes overlooked, little things like that I think are what makes organics so different than chemical grows, all those little things develop the terpines much more.
that's a theory though, I have zero scientific evidence behind that.
but there is SO much more to it than the typical "NPK"
also neem is badass in keeping any bugs out of your soil.
it will NOT keep bugs off your plants though, but does seem to keep any out of your soil
fungus gnats, thrips, so on
now if only neem didn't smell like cheap shitty beef flavored ramen noodles...
I need to find some karanja.
never tried it before
my garden store has it, but only in a bigass 75$ bag


yea, I just like neem because of it's all around awesome-ness
I'm kidding, well sort of. Neem is pretty good shit
Works as a good medium release source of all NPK, as well as the micros, in particular sulfur.
Cannabis likes sulfur, and it's oftentimes overlooked, little things like that I think are what makes organics so different than chemical grows, all those little things develop the terpines much more.
that's a theory though, I have zero scientific evidence behind that.
but there is SO much more to it than the typical "NPK"
also neem is badass in keeping any bugs out of your soil.
it will NOT keep bugs off your plants though, but does seem to keep any out of your soil
fungus gnats, thrips, so on
now if only neem didn't smell like cheap shitty beef flavored ramen noodles...
I need to find some karanja.
never tried it before
my garden store has it, but only in a bigass 75$ bag
Decided to push things back a bit so I haven't mixed anything yet. Will pick up some need seed meal this week. Any input on cottonseed meal and langbeinite?
I see humid acid in a few recipes but am I right thinking it's not necessary with the good compost and ewc mix? And since I already have the guano would you suggest top dressing?
Once everything is mixed how do I know when the mix is safe to use? I was going to start seedlings in solo cups with just the base mix while the nutrients cycle. Does that sound like an OK plan? Maybe start soil a week or two before I germinate the seeds?


And can someone explain to me why some many people germinate in paper towels, rockwool, rapid rooter etc.?
I have some rapid rooter and rockwool for when I wanted to dabble in some dwc buckets but wondering so many people use these things, especially if your going into soil


Well-Known Member
Decided to push things back a bit so I haven't mixed anything yet. Will pick up some need seed meal this week. Any input on cottonseed meal and langbeinite?
I see humid acid in a few recipes but am I right thinking it's not necessary with the good compost and ewc mix? And since I already have the guano would you suggest top dressing?
Once everything is mixed how do I know when the mix is safe to use? I was going to start seedlings in solo cups with just the base mix while the nutrients cycle. Does that sound like an OK plan? Maybe start soil a week or two before I germinate the seeds?
I don't use cottonseed meal, so I can't offer any input on that, somehow my memory is thinking something about cottonseed being acidic?
But i'm a stoner so verify that, but i'm 85% sure I remember reading that.
langbeinite is good shit, use sparingly though, it's potent.
if you use it, go light on the K inputs.
great for sulfur though.
humic acid isn't needed if you have a good compost.
and what I do is simply get a bunch of legume seeds, toss them in there and if the soil is ready they grow fast, if it isn't they grow slow and the color of the legumes are a deep dark green.
OR simply age for 45 days.
bat guano is awesome for topdressing or teas, but I don't like it much for a soil mix, too soluble.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Allowing the soil mix to break down is a good idea, same thing I'm doing. If you mix it a few weeks before germinating, it should be ready to use by the time you're ready to transplant into it.

As for the germinating process, to each his own. With so many ways to accomplish sprouting a seed, just find what works for you. I like the greenhouse method:

Soak 24hrs, place in soil covered with plastic and a few days later they sprout.


Well-Known Member
And can someone explain to me why some many people germinate in paper towels, rockwool, rapid rooter etc.?
I have some rapid rooter and rockwool for when I wanted to dabble in some dwc buckets but wondering so many people use these things, especially if your going into soil
ah didn't see this question.
I simply soak seeds overnight in water warmed to like 80 degrees, as soon as the seeds "oyster" I plant.
I do NOT wait to see the root come out.
usually takes like 8-16 hrs depending.
hell Bodhi's seeds oyster before I wake up the next day.
had some crack in 6 hrs!
that's quick as hell