Organic Treatment for Spider Mites

s much as i hate azamax, i think this would be a great time to use it there is another product i use called Mighty wash. Ive used it on full blown infestationd and it knocks them dead. I would rotate the azamax and mighty wash every other day til you harvest. Good to mix it up on the little buggers.
Once you get it under control, Pyrethrin _sp? based products such as fox farm "don't bug me" and Doctor Doom work well for me.

What works well to keep them from coming back or flaring up to begin with is putting a fan on the plants 24 hrs a day. The mite hate wind and do not thrive where it is windy for some reason. I'm in a hot, dry, dusty area that is very mite friendly, and I have learned how to keep them at bay (but never fully exterminated).
check out this new product called insect frass. Good for foliars, root drenching, fungal compost tea and disease and pest control.


" boosts the ability of plants to defend themselves against fungal diseases such as downy and powdery mildew, botrytis (gray mold), and early and late blight when applied foliarly (and in our experience it also kills fungus gnats, mites, white flies, etc. Just about any pest that eats plants)."
i use this ORGANIC insecticide called RID BUGS

made by its bomb diggity, and its aall natural horticultural oil, mix a couple tbs./per gallon adn your good to go... it kills those little mite fuckers
I bought that garden safe stuff last time but it did nothing. If you can get ladybugs, do it. When they're done eating the mites, you just suck them up with the vacuum hose and dump em outside. If you can't get them, home depot has a product called Organocide. It is sesame seed oil mixed with fish oil. You can spray up to the day of harvest. I saw this in " the green rush" in yellow's garden. It stinks though, makes the whole room so fishy I can barely be in there for 2-3 days then it's fine
If you had mites before the harvest, how can you make sure they are gone? When the plants are gone for a while will leave, or die from no food, or are they one of those things that can lives months without food ? I know to clean everything of course. Is that all you need to do though ?
3% H2O2 store bought variety is natural and deadly. May require several applications to kill hatching eggs