Organic Valley Potting Mix - Boooooo!! (A few clones had their funeral this morning!)


Active Member
I'm telling you what I SEE.... white "fuzz" on the soil!!! Straight outta the bag!!! Maybe they are beneficial microwhatevers? I used it on a few cuttings after they showed roots and I'm HIGHLY disappointed! Those baby girls are DEAD!!! SMOTHERED to tell the truth... I went to stick my finger in the soil and almost broke it. I'm talking about MY FINGER!!! That shit is hard as a rock!!! I'm kinda feeling shitty towards my local hydro store owner for even giving it to me.. He said,"here, try this out, and tell me what cha think!!" I'm sticking with FFOF!!!
It's some BULL is what I think.... Maybe I don't know shit about REAL organic soil? Anyway... thanks for the unexpected funerals this morning!!! Fucker...


Active Member
Extremely sorry for your losses..however, i couldn't help but say that the way you structured this review had me rolling on the floor laughing!! Def. made my morning. I just recently bought FF Happy Frog Potting Soil and transplanted 3 days ago since i JUST switched to 12/12 and they're lovin' it. Extremely thankful for the review! Thanks.