organic White Berry SOG med grow.


Well-Known Member
This is my first organic grow. I sprouted 2 white berry fems 10 days ago. Yesterday I transplanted from the dixie cups into 5 inch containers and sprinkled some of this Roots Organics Oregonism XL directy onto the roots and the only thing Ive noticed is a little growth and the leaves have went from dark green to a lighter green. That could just be natural.
I germinated between 2 paper towells, planted 1/3 inch deep into paper dixie cups with ff light warrior soil and have been feeding them only water.
I havnt bought any organic nutes yet, Im still trying to figure out which ones to buy . Untill I get a composting drum Ill be buyig ff ocean forrest Honestly Ive only been reading about organic growing for maby a few days and I thought, why couldnt I grow organic white berry, so here is my attempt at a perpetual harvest. I was planing to do with this strain anyway. The White Berry strain is a 75indica 25% sativa, finishes in 50 days and is known for ots single main cola domnance which is why I bought it for a SOG grow.
50"x26"x6 ft tall veg space for mothers and clones vegging.
400 watt MH
50" x 26" x 18" tall clone/seedling room directly under the veg room.
4 tube t5 fixture 20,000 lumens 216 watts. Fans blowing through the bottoms of the mylar wall bring fresh air to both bottom and top.
4'x4'x7' tall sunhut.
1000 watt HPS cooled by a top of the line exhaust fan 630 cfm (ostburg made in sweden) and I have a thermal covering for the reflector that traps the heat inside so more hot air can be exhausted. Brought my temps down significantly.
So thats my space Im working with. For now Im only ltrying to harvest 4 plants every 2 weeks.
Here they are day 10. The mothers.


billy no m8s

Active Member
k fella to harvest every 2 weeks ur goin to need 16 plants in flower all the time,tha means 16 in veg and another 16 rooting! iff u got ffdirt dont know to much about tha but my guess is ther,s food allready in ther,so wen u go shoppn id forget buying any grow nutes just the bloom! i use iguana juice 4 my bloom but it aint very often i use it ! i top dress my pots with bone and blood meal 2nd week of flower thats it! i mix up 1 big bucket of tea with the legendry rabbit poo,which i top up with rainwater as im using it so the tea gets weeker every time, and thats it really! with organics u feed the soil not the plant! gd luck and it,s alot easier than it seems really and u aint gora spend money to have a good crop believe me!


Well-Known Member
Cool. Thank. Im open to all ideas here. Im A fresh newb to organics so any feedback from organic gardeners will be much appreciated. The extent of my understanding of organic growing is buying foxfarm and giving it earth juice. But I want to start making soil and buy my own composting drum,make teas and shit. The more I think about it I just feel excited about this grow and starting organic growing.


Well-Known Member
k fella to harvest every 2 weeks ur goin to need 16 plants in flower all the time,tha means 16 in veg and another 16 rooting! iff u got ffdirt dont know to much about tha but my guess is ther,s food allready in ther,so wen u go shoppn id forget buying any grow nutes just the bloom! i use iguana juice 4 my bloom but it aint very often i use it ! i top dress my pots with bone and blood meal 2nd week of flower thats it! i mix up 1 big bucket of tea with the legendry rabbit poo,which i top up with rainwater as im using it so the tea gets weeker every time, and thats it really! with organics u feed the soil not the plant! gd luck and it,s alot easier than it seems really and u aint gora spend money to have a good crop believe me!
I forgot to add that in order to stay within my legal limit I can only have 16 plants in flowering at a time. Therefor I root 4 clones every 2 weeks. 4 rooting, 4 veging under t5's and 4 inveg on top wth the moms. every 2 weeks a new batch gets moved in flowering, 4 plants are harvested and 4 cuttings get taken.


Well-Known Member
Your making a good move my friend!!! There are many different ways to fertilize your herb, but NOTHING beats organic. Its a no-brainer...ITS NATURAL!!!


Well-Known Member
here they are day 18. Lookin pretty good. I still havnt decided what fert Im going to use. Still feeding them 6.4 PH. water. At my local hydro store they have all kinds of organic nutes. I was in a hurry when I was there so I need to go back to get the full run down. They have 2 huge shelves with organic nutes only. How do you decide on what regimin you want your plants on?



Well-Known Member
heres pics of my newly installed seedling/clone/veg rooms. Bottom is for seedlings and clones of course. Even though I harvest only 4 every 2 weeks, I have enough space to harvest 16 plants every 2 weeks. That of course would be a federal offense so I'll stick to 4 larger plants every 2 weeks. And plants on top get the MH.:bigjoint:


billy no m8s

Active Member
well aint tha fckn typicall! iwrote 2 essay,s on organic,s and they got wiped off b4 i could send them! then fed up with typing i just sent tha and it,s straight up! oh well ! i av another go 2moz


Active Member
yo if u wanna stay organic then only use blackstrap molasses and earthjuice, otherwise do what i did and get the complete foxfarm nutes..go to their site peep it. It could be spendy if bought all at once, but there are six major nutes all foxfarm: grow big, big bloom,tiger bloom, open sesame, beasty blooms, and cha ching! Use these man I've had three grows: 1st one was no nutes, 2nd was earth juice and BS molasses, 3rd and the dankest/highest yield all of the foxfarm nures list above with 2tbs of bs molasses everyother watering...all of the grows were the same whiteberry seeds fem... Good luck mang, hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Are you insane? I already have all ff nutes and granulars and if you think theyre superior to organic your highly mistaken. I have a full bottle of bushmaster and gravity and I want to get rid of all these nasty chem ferts and snake oils, buy a composting drum, make my own soils, teas etc. Do a little reading. Open any one of the cannabibles. Jason King tells it like it is and him mainly is what converted me to organic growing. My first 3 harvests were done using ff chemical and I never saw in any of the harvests anything notable. Not a damn thing.

billy no m8s

Active Member
just grab a box of blood nd bonemeal! cost me £1.50 magnesium sulphate also same price and iff u know anyone who keeps rabbits! get ther shit off um cuz it,s the biz! and sum mollases a bottle of seaweed extract thats just about it i think! total cost bout a tenna! then get to know ur plants, also iff u can collect rainwater use tha its natures own choice!


Well-Known Member
hey man your grow sounds great.
im new to organics also and have found many threads by ohsogreen in the organics section to be very informative and helpful.
and check out blue mountain organics on ebay..i got some high N and high P bat gauno for cheap from them.


Well-Known Member
just grab a box of blood nd bonemeal! cost me £1.50 magnesium sulphate also same price and iff u know anyone who keeps rabbits! get ther shit off um cuz it,s the biz! and sum mollases a bottle of seaweed extract thats just about it i think! total cost bout a tenna! then get to know ur plants, also iff u can collect rainwater use tha its natures own choice!
Cool! rain water. Never thought of that. Theres a local nursery I know sells all of that stuff for making soil. I just need a recipe which cant be that hard to find. And I think I need an air stone or bubbler or what ever to make teas. But for now earth juice is what Im looking at. The hydro store has many many choices of organic nutes. Maby buy the most expensive stuff?


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add that I have some omri listed products. B'cuzz foliar 1.0-0-0 and B'cuzz foliar boost wetting agent which are supposed to be used togeather.

billy no m8s

Active Member
now we gerin sumwer! local nursery sounds good, i went 2 our local supermarket and as it,s the end of our summer over here they givn it away! im not against hydro shops it,s just they so expensive and i hate payn over the odds! like ur air pump and airstone u need 4 ur tea,s, i bet u can get them cheaper in any petshop, and please dont go buy ther most expensive bloom, as really u just wasting ur money, a plant can only take in so much food b4 u nuke it! i only feed mine once and thats bout 2nd week of flowering then i just top dress the soil with the bone/bldmeal and mag iff needed! as 4 measures they give u an idea on the bak of box, use this and just experiment! 2 b honest i get mor pleasure out of growing it now than i do smoking it! lol


Well-Known Member
I meant to post this yesterday on day 28. #1 isnt growing that fast but #2 has shown some nice side branchig. I still think theyre small for thier age. So far Ive only fed them water with one dose of a diluted 1-0-0 and a wetting agent directly to the soil.
I bought some organic nutrients this morning that Ill be using for veg.
Technaflora Plant Products - Home
and this
Root Juice

