Like Isaid I need 100% success rate so no messing around with stunted clones as I seem to make a bunch of those and only a few clones actually start growing. But even this aero clonr is slow but that could be because I took small cuttings, but I always thought small clones rooted fster but so far thats not the case at all.i think you do fine cloning with soil as i can see... whats witht he aero cloner?/... just want to spend money?
Like Isaid I need 100% success rate so no messing around with stunted clones as I seem to make a bunch of those and only a few clones actually start growing. But even this aero clonr is slow but that could be because I took small cuttings, but I always thought small clones rooted fster but so far thats not the case at all.
Still no roots on the white berry clones. It's been almost 2 weeks and nothin. Thye look as green as they did the day I took them just no roots except the bumps. Should I give up on this batch and take some larger ones or wait it out?
So far I havnt seen any root activity in the aero cloner but 2 other wb cuttings have already rooted in oasis. I was under the impression that aero cloners were the best way to go but so far mine hasn't done all that great.