Organics and RO


Active Member
Hey guys, recentley switched to RO water, and just used my standard Pure blend pro, Sweet, hygrozyme nutes. I did run it down to 1100 ppm normally 1300 during veg. I don't have pics but I either am nute burning them a bit or I am lacking in secondary nutes..
Prob Mag or Calcium I think

I'm growing 707 headband and shiva skunk have quite a bit of experence with these strains and never had a problem with running these nutes at these ppms.

What do you guys think the RO is doing to my babies?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
yeah, if you recently switched to RO you are probably get a mag deficiency. It even says on the back of the PBP bottle to use cal-mag if using with RO water. Hey, Ive been looking for someone on here growing or that has grown headband...I just got some, and I was wondering how long they take to fully mature. I heard someone say 12 weeks, Im hoping that isnt the case.


Active Member
Figured it was mag/cal. Headband atleast the 707 im growing only takes 8-9 weeks. But there are different varieties some may take up to 12