Organics with Tap Water???


Well-Known Member
Is R/O water good for Organic soil?
No, it isn't. Neither is distilled.

Both are pretty much *dead* water and really don't do all that well with a living organic soil.

The tap deal depends. I keep about 40 gallons sitting out for 'spot' watering, but to water everything takes better than 1/2hr with the hose. IDK, 100 gallons+?

I have noticed NO difference in my micro herd from the tap to the water that has been 'aged'.




Well-Known Member
I do have RO but I am trying to simplify. The water here is only about 90-100 ppm so chlorine is the only issue. Thanks fo the post!
Your tapwater sounds great! 100-150 ppm is about perfect so long as your Ca and Mg ratios are good. Chlorine off-gasses quickly so if you are concerned about it (and a little Cl is definitely not harmful since plants require a small amount for growth) simply run an airstone through it for 24 hours or so. It doesn't sound like your water is hard enough that you NEED an R/O unit. Best of luck and happy growing!:leaf:


Active Member
No, it isn't. Neither is distilled.

Both are pretty much *dead* water and really don't do all that well with a living organic soil.

The tap deal depends. I keep about 40 gallons sitting out for 'spot' watering, but to water everything takes better than 1/2hr with the hose. IDK, 100 gallons+?

I have noticed NO difference in my micro herd from the tap to the water that has been 'aged'.


Yeah, I would like to just hose those bitches straight from my tap. I am gonna try both to see if there is a difference. Man, I can't fucking wait to drop the RO unit, air pumps, chillers etc. all that shit. I really appreciate your input!!! :)


Well-Known Member
hey wet, ro is better for oragnic soil than tap, tap harms beni's but ro will have no effect. if your doing organic make tea


Well-Known Member
I use tap water in my teas and i've never had a problem with dead beneficials, brew youself a tea...if it bubbles your tap water is safe to use
depends on where you live. some places have a lot of chlorine in the tap like we do here. if i use tap my tea doesnt foam up. so i bought an ro system years ago.


Well-Known Member
depends on where you live. some places have a lot of chlorine in the tap like we do here. if i use tap my tea doesnt foam up. so i bought an ro system years ago.
So true...I’m fortunate enough to reside in Hawaii and our water is awesome!....I just got back from Vegas and the water there will burn your…The teas don’t lie…if they don’t bubble you’re shit out of luck with tap water


Well-Known Member
Doesnt running the water from the tap (faucet for Americans ;) ) into a bottle, jug, etc aerate it and cause alot of the chlorine to evaporate? And if the chlorine is so strong as to be able to kill micros, whyd they invent disinfectant?

Genuine questions, just cos Iv never let my tap water sit out for organic or "chemical" nutes and never had a problem. Our water is treated with chlorine, chloramine (sp?) and fluoride.


Active Member
Man, it is great to get all this feedback. I really think I can run straight tap. Got a report from the city and no chloromide or fluoride. Worse case I can sit it out but I lean towards simplicity over paranoia;)


Active Member
Remeber with organics there is microbial life. Also realize that the reason chlorine is in the water is to kill microbial life. Definatley let the water airate for a couple days or your defeating your purpose.


Active Member
Remeber with organics there is microbial life. Also realize that the reason chlorine is in the water is to kill microbial life. Definatley let the water airate for a couple days or your defeating your purpose.
Totally aware of this. My teas brew right up with my tap so I am sure it is fine;)


Active Member
Fuck yeah Albuquerque! We used to play there lot with word salad, noisear, logical nonsense, laughing dog.... In the 90's :0 That town is fucking insane!


Well-Known Member
I am digging your new avatar Malignant. Hope your hot girlfriend doesn't mind you're not using her avatar any longer.


Well-Known Member
Man, I can't fucking wait to drop the RO unit, air pumps, chillers etc. all that shit.
This is the beauty of true organic soil. You can ditch the commercial ferts, re-use the soil. Better for you, better for your plants and better for your wallet...


Active Member
Allright, I threw some worm castings, alfalfa meal and molasses straight into my tap with no "Dechlorinating" of any sort. Here it is 16 hours later all nasty. I am going straight tap for watering. Thanks for everybodies help!



Well-Known Member
Looks good. The aerating would help remove chlorine also, if that's what your municipality is using.