Oriah's Garden - SuperSoil TGA perpetual medical SCROG


Well-Known Member
Gonna be going with JB this time around and I think I'm gonna run 2 plants in that tent at once and use the little one for a veg/clone/seedling room. I'm gonna build a rig that is a "scrog" but is attached to the pot... That way I can move them in and out of places with the screen and everything inside isn't bound to one screen. I'm really excited. I'm gonna record all of this next grow.. It's gonna be JB till I get tired of that but I might start running either Vortex or Spacebomb with her. Not a super variety but I'm a sativa kinda guy and I hear JB is a great day smoke. and I hear that Vortex is super potent so that's that until I get another Indica that I like in there and then i will rotate indicas...


Well-Known Member
Cant recall if ive posted any Andy McKee before... so here he gos... SUPER BADASS! :shock:



Well-Known Member
So... Anyone following, seen my Sour OG, and first breeding experiment, and knows i have 20 or so Sour OG x Chernobyl...
The Sour OG mother was a STINKY bitch, that if feed properly, would be a heavy yielder... My gig is i dont have time or space to run all these seeds...
SOOO.... Any of my weed nerd homeys out there... have time to pop a few and document?


Well-Known Member
What was the smoke like on the mom and dad? I would be down to pop some with my Jilly! Throw em in a scrog!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful as always Oriah. Pumped to see a smoke report on that Chernobyl, been thinking about picking up a few beans myself but no room currently :(. Damn TGA genetics, too many dank strains to choose from! How long till you chop that "I" pheno? It's starting to fade real nice, love those purply leaves.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful as always Oriah. Pumped to see a smoke report on that Chernobyl, been thinking about picking up a few beans myself but no room currently :(. Damn TGA genetics, too many dank strains to choose from! How long till you chop that "I" pheno? It's starting to fade real nice, love those purply leaves.
Thanks Cann! yeahs shes at 6 weeks right now, so 2-3 more to go? hard to say right now, lol. But she sure is fillin out nicely considering shes got that much more to go.

Skeeter Bug

Just vaped some Vortex and read this entire thread... and both are amazing! Seems like there's a great community of really cool people here helping each other out! And what you're doing, Oriah, is awesomeness! :-)

I'm hoping to begin a little growing sometime after the New Year, and I was wondering if there are any suggestions for more awesome threads like this one to help me get a feel for the basics. I'm a total noob to this, so the more I can learn the better! I do know that I prefer quality over quantity, I'm willing to invest more in the beginning to save time/money in the long haul, and I want to find ways to contribute to this community, even if it's just chronicling my experience as a first-time grower. :razz:

Can't wait to see the progression of this thread. I'm particularly excited to see the way Misty pans out for you! Congrats on your find of such a high CBD strain!


Well-Known Member
Just vaped some Vortex and read this entire thread... and both are amazing! Seems like there's a great community of really cool people here helping each other out! And what you're doing, Oriah, is awesomeness! :-)

I'm hoping to begin a little growing sometime after the New Year, and I was wondering if there are any suggestions for more awesome threads like this one to help me get a feel for the basics. I'm a total noob to this, so the more I can learn the better! I do know that I prefer quality over quantity, I'm willing to invest more in the beginning to save time/money in the long haul, and I want to find ways to contribute to this community, even if it's just chronicling my experience as a first-time grower. :razz:

Can't wait to see the progression of this thread. I'm particularly excited to see the way Misty pans out for you! Congrats on your find of such a high CBD strain!
towards the top of the screen click on "Subcools Old School Organics" and read the threads that are stickied. Some great info in those threads.


Well-Known Member
Just vaped some Vortex and read this entire thread... and both are amazing! Seems like there's a great community of really cool people here helping each other out! And what you're doing, Oriah, is awesomeness! :-)

I'm hoping to begin a little growing sometime after the New Year, and I was wondering if there are any suggestions for more awesome threads like this one to help me get a feel for the basics. I'm a total noob to this, so the more I can learn the better! I do know that I prefer quality over quantity, I'm willing to invest more in the beginning to save time/money in the long haul, and I want to find ways to contribute to this community, even if it's just chronicling my experience as a first-time grower. :razz:

Can't wait to see the progression of this thread. I'm particularly excited to see the way Misty pans out for you! Congrats on your find of such a high CBD strain!
Hell yes buddy! Glad to have you with us brother! :)

Most deff check out the stickys. And if you have any questions let me know man. There is for sure a good group of knowledgeable folks in this sub forum.


Active Member
Great , great thread, i always shyed away from scorg in taht i like to keep plant short and roll 2 teams every 12 hours ( it doubles my yield but destroys my lamps :p ) I was running 4/6 plants in #3 smarties in a 3X3 tent.
I just started mainlining after reading nug's thread ant i seems like i'll have to stick with 4 plants...i'm learning A LOT reading those threads, i'm just getting depressed that nobodys grow my strains hehe.
I'll keep on checking the thread, really interesting!