OT: How many plants would you grow without a licence?


Well-Known Member
Debating how many plants I should grow for person + some family members consumption?

Currently I have been growing 2 in veg, 2 in flower and keep repeating that cycle of 4 plants. They do grow fairly large since the veg time is based on the flowering time, so 8+ weeks of veg. I usually get around a quarter pound off 2 plants, do you think that is too much? I heard the new Harper law is super strict for anyone growing more than 6 plants.

Has anyone been busted for a small personal grow in Canada before? I hope it will never come to that, but you never know.


Well-Known Member
I'd be ensconced in them... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgmiGN2mi2M

never grew in CA but have been to several places in CN most recently Peace Park near the WA-CN border..

not sure the laws there or penalties but.. I keep to my legal limit here in CA per my county rules.. check out your local laws


Active Member
It is so hard to find specific laws for marijuana in Canada.
I know they are much more lenient than the US, but Harper is trying to get his dirty little fingers deeper and deeper.
I grow 4 veg - 4 flower for personal use, in hoping that if caught (which I would think be very unlikely) that I would not face more than a fine or so.
I do not own bags, scale, etc.. so chances are pretty good I would think..
Thinking they are looking more so for the big guys.
Keep it on the downlow and you should be good.


Well-Known Member
Its all up in the air right now. You could get a bad officer who would grab your 6 plants, soil and all and weigh them and end up with a nice little blurb in the newspaper that they did a 25lb bust. Things like being in/near a school zone*, scales, paraphernalia(bongs and such) and damage to property will also make you look worse. I hope that even if Harper gets his way that the police will just throw out your plants/equipment and give you a slap for anything personal use. I remember hearing that concentrates are now legal for MMJ in BC but no where else so dont be surprised if the blurb in the newpaper also contains something along the lines of "Selling ultra-potent marijuana oils" if you make hash.

*If you're in a school zone i would honestly just tear your shit down and move. You are just asking to be the next guy accused of selling to kids.


Debating how many plants I should grow for person + some family members consumption?
As of now I would keep it to five plants. I find the restriction of having less plants can actually work in your favour. It forces you to learn how to get the most from each plant. Focusing your attention to a few plants also allows you to spot and treat infestation or disease more quickly. Not to mention the space saved by having a small grow. I think the setup you have now is doing well for your situation. Just don't store too much. Store what you'll need until your next harvest, and give away/sell the rest. Happy growing!


Active Member
I would keep in mind C10 has passed. So 5 per location. But I think its easier to get a license than manage 10 properties with 5 plants each.


Well-Known Member
It is so hard to find specific laws for marijuana in Canada.
I know they are much more lenient than the US, but Harper is trying to get his dirty little fingers deeper and deeper.
I grow 4 veg - 4 flower for personal use, in hoping that if caught (which I would think be very unlikely) that I would not face more than a fine or so.
I do not own bags, scale, etc.. so chances are pretty good I would think..
Thinking they are looking more so for the big guys.
Keep it on the downlow and you should be good.
You can find the complete Bill C-10 for your reading (DIS)pleasure here :spew:

Here is a nice article put together by CBC New (excerpt below): 9 key elements of the crime bill

CBC News said:
On September 20, 2011, the newly-elected Conservative majority government re-introduced an omnibus crime bill, Bill C-10. (formely known as the "Safe Streets and Communities Act") The bill combines more than 10 different pieces of previously unpassed criminal legislation, as well as proposing to amend the Criminal Code of Canada with respect to drug offences. This bill specifically targets growers, dealers and consumers of cannabis, introducing mandatory minimum sentences for the cultivation of modest amounts of cannabis.

Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson unveiled the government's new omnibus crime bill on Sept. 20. (Adrian Wyld/CP)

Tory crime bill cracks down on drug, sex offences, What's in the Tory crime bill — and what's not

On Sept. 20, federal justice minister Rob Nicholson tabled C-10, the government’s new crime bill.

Formally known as The Safe Streets and Communities Act, the bill actually comprises nine smaller bills that were introduced by the Conservative government during its minority rule, but were never passed.

The Conservatives’ election platform promised to pass this bill within 100 sitting days of Parliament, beginning on June 6.

C-10 contains the following bills:

The Protecting Children from Sexual Predators Act

Formerly Bill C-54, this act would:

Establish new mandatory minimum penalties for existing offences related to child exploitation
Increase maximum prison sentences for four of these offences (to reflect their “particularly heinous nature”)
Create two new offences: 1) to ban anyone from providing sexually explicit material to a child for the purpose of committing a sexual offence against that child, and 2) to ban anyone from using any means of telecommunications (e.g. the internet) to make arrangements with another person to commit a sexual offence against a child
>> View the full government backgrounder on this act


The Increasing Penalties for Organized Drug Crime Act

Formerly Bill S-10, this act would:

Provide mandatory minimum penalties for serious drug offences when they are carried out by organized crime or target youth
Increase the maximum penalty for the manufacture of drugs in Schedule II of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (like marijuana) from seven to 14 years
Move date-rape drugs and amphetamines to Schedule I, thus resulting in higher maximum penalties
>> View government backgrounder


Protecting the Public from Violent Young Offenders Act

Formerly Bill C-4, this act would:

Make the protection of society the primary objective of the Youth Criminal Justice Act
Ask the Crown to consider adult sentences for youth convicted of serious violent crimes
>> View government backgrounder


The Ending House Arrest for Property and Other Serious Crimes by Serious and Violent Offenders Act

Formerly C-16, this act would:

Propose amendments that would restrict the use of conditional sentences (like house arrest) for offences like manslaughter, arson, sexual assault and drug trafficking, among others
>> View government backgrounder


The Increasing Offender Accountability Act

Formerly Bill C-39, this act would:

· Keep the families of victims better informed about the behaviour and handling of offenders · Authorize police to arrest, without an warrant, any offender who appears to be breaking their release conditions

>> View government backgrounder


The Eliminating Pardons for Serious Crimes Act

Formerly Bill C-23B, this act would:

Replace the word “pardon” with “record suspension”
Make certain people ineligible for a record suspension, including those convicted of sexual offences against minors and those convicted of more than three offences
>> View government backgrounder


The International Transfer of Canadian Offenders Back to Canada Act

Formerly Bill C-5, this act would

Propose amendments to the International Transfer of Offenders Act, which would establish additional factors in deciding whether an offender would be granted a transfer back to Canada — particularly if he/she was likely to endanger public safety or otherwise engage in criminal activities
>> View government backgrounder


The Supporting Victims of Terrorism Act

Formerly Bill S-7, this act would:

Permit victims of terrorism to sue the perpetrators or supporters of terrorism, including foreign countries that the Canadian government has listed as having provided support to terrorism
>> View government backgrounder


Protecting Vulnerable Foreign Nationals against Trafficking, Abuse and Exploitation Act

Formerly Bill-C-56, this act would:

Make it possible to deny work permits to people who are vulnerable to abuse or exploitation, including exotic dancers, low-skilled labourers and victims of human trafficking
>> View government backgrounder
I would keep in mind C10 has passed. So 5 per location. But I think its easier to get a license than manage 10 properties with 5 plants each.
Hopefully 5 is a minimimum before severe penalties are levied, see ANNEX B above of the backgrounder "The Increasing Penalties for Organized Drug Crime Act"



Well-Known Member
There is a book called 'Secrets of the West Coast Masters'. Teaches you how to build your own system and get a lb from one plant under 1000 watt. I tried it and got 12 oz from one Jack Herer (low yielding haze pheno) under a 600 watt. Quite easy to master and keep 2 in flower and 2 in veg. Fuck Harper!


Well-Known Member
As of now I would keep it to five plants. I find the restriction of having less plants can actually work in your favour. It forces you to learn how to get the most from each plant. Focusing your attention to a few plants also allows you to spot and treat infestation or disease more quickly. Not to mention the space saved by having a small grow. I think the setup you have now is doing well for your situation. Just don't store too much. Store what you'll need until your next harvest, and give away/sell the rest. Happy growing!
Thanks for the advice.

Yeah as soon as I harvest I always give away a bunch to my friends and family. I put in a lot of time and effort into growing my plants and love to see people's reactions when they try it.


New Member
Sadly small op's get busted daily. Generally though its lips that wreck it. Keep it small and quiet and youll be ok.

Plant size and quantity is all on how the grower grows. I have 12 plants under 12 600's and produce almost 16 zips per, as an average. I think even with a plant count of 5 one should be able to double that. Some of these strains are capable of 800g(almost 2lbs.) a plant now so its a matter of fine tuning our techniques.

I really hope it doesn't go that route but we should prepare for the worst and hope for best as this is all we can do. Never the less I for one will never stop growing.


Active Member
To bring a little bit of good news to this thread, it's just a matter of time before things change here in Canada. I've read the recent platforms of all the major parties in Canada and going into the next federal election, MJ laws will change. The only way it won't is if the PC's are left back in power. But with all the f'ups they have done since winning the last election, I can't see that happening. I can't wait for the next federal election!

MJ law amendments per party....

PC - status quo.....BOOOOOOOOOOO!
NDP - Decriminalize.....Meh, ok.
Liberal - Legalize and regulate like they do with alcohol.....YAY! Guess who's getting my vote :)

Most of the smaller parties, like Green support legalization as well, but they don't have a prayer of winning a federal election.

So long story short, just as long as the PC's don't remain in power, laws will be changing to our advantage soon enough.


New Member
First off I do not vote in our system anymore. I believe it is totally corrupt no matter who get voted in. The only way to stop this bullshit is for Canadians to make a stand and not vote. IMO

The parties are all the same, promise a bunch of lies. Without the ontario voting liberals they will never see power again, west of manatoba will not vote liberals, so there out next election. The ndp will never get in thats just a fact and that only leaves the pc's.

I don't think there is much of a choice, make a stand stop voting and really begin change.

Big Budd

Active Member
I don't think by not voting will be the answer. In fact, majority rules in MOST cases, the people vote and they make the call as to who gets in. It's funny how we here in the North want so much but when it comes to the vote, I think most Canadians have their heads up their ass's. I agree with BBB1974, the next election has to be Liberal, i'm not a fan of politics, but for what i belive in and what a Party is going to do for me, gets my vote. In the unlucky event the rest of our friends in the Village vote Harper in once more..me thinks i will go out an hang myself...lol
If Harper want's to throw thousands of people in jail for 6 plants and over, he better start to build lots of jails, seeing he just closed a bunch. All i can say is look for a party that has a reform platform on Marijuana and VOTE for them. And Sir.Ganga, i feel the same way about our political system as well, and have often thought of joining the Marijuana Party, remember majority rules, and if the people stand up for what they want, your vote counts !


Active Member
Ganga, in theory that's great, but in reality, it will never happen. There will always be people who are going to vote and the majority will rule. I'm not a fan of politics either and don't think highly of anyone, but make your vote count and go for the party that at least says, will do things to your advantage ;) I don't even vote every election but I most certainly will this time around (and I'm voting Liberal)


Well-Known Member
As of now I would keep it to five plants. I find the restriction of having less plants can actually work in your favour. It forces you to learn how to get the most from each plant. Focusing your attention to a few plants also allows you to spot and treat infestation or disease more quickly. Not to mention the space saved by having a small grow. I think the setup you have now is doing well for your situation. Just don't store too much. Store what you'll need until your next harvest, and give away/sell the rest. Happy growing!
Grow Heath Robinson trees IMO.

Also you could graft mom plants together to keep a variety rolling.


New Member
I don't think by not voting will be the answer. In fact, majority rules in MOST cases, the people vote and they make the call as to who gets in. It's funny how we here in the North want so much but when it comes to the vote, I think most Canadians have their heads up their ass's. I agree with BBB1974, the next election has to be Liberal, i'm not a fan of politics, but for what i belive in and what a Party is going to do for me, gets my vote. In the unlucky event the rest of our friends in the Village vote Harper in once more..me thinks i will go out an hang myself...lol
If Harper want's to throw thousands of people in jail for 6 plants and over, he better start to build lots of jails, seeing he just closed a bunch. All i can say is look for a party that has a reform platform on Marijuana and VOTE for them. And Sir.Ganga, i feel the same way about our political system as well, and have often thought of joining the Marijuana Party, remember majority rules, and if the people stand up for what they want, your vote counts !
Majority rules?? Really?? What about 2003 or any other year the majority WAS the non voters? There have been a few elections where the count was very low and the majority did speak but nothing was done.

The system is a joke.


Thats a joke , the police came here to check on a handgun ( in Calgary) and saw 5 plants smelling very skunky , one cop said to the other " thats pot he's growing" the other older one said " it better not be do you know the paper work involved " and off they went.


You can't grow even one plant legally in Canada . Although no one cares if you do.. If you tell a fanatical cop you are growing for familly members your traffiking . If you got over 5 plants then its legally a grow op and mandatory jail time.. not good unless yer queer.


Active Member
now is this all oc canada or is it diff in every province. ?
so in ontario 5 is the max you can grow with out jail time?


Active Member
PC - status quo.....BOOOOOOOOOOO!
NDP - Decriminalize.....Meh, ok.
Liberal - Legalize and regulate like they do with alcohol.....YAY! Guess who's getting my vote :)

So long story short, just as long as the PC's don't remain in power, laws will be changing to our advantage soon enough.
Be aware that the Liberals are DESPERATE to remain a party and will say ANYTHING to get your vote. Historically they will NOT make good on these or any claims they make.

The NDP want to decriminalize and register. Not just decriminalize, If by some miracle they do get power (And I'm unsure that's a good thing) be prepared to go on a government registry of pot smokers. (A registry other parties will use to persecute us when the NDP lose power).

At least with the PC we know what to expect and that they're pricks. We're in a lose lose situation here until these things go through the courts.