otdoor grow in soy bean field

Has anyone planted in a soy bean field? I'm wanting to plant some autos in the field. Figured it would blend in and its the right height. From a distance it would look like ragweed in the field possibly? Also any sujestions on good auto strains would be nice and where to order from


Active Member
theres a good chance your soy bean plants are going to over run your weed plant ... soy beans are often used as a smother crop to kill weeds so in a soy bean field theres usually no weeds just soy beans
In the fields there's always sections I see that are less dense and the rag weed plants grow there so Iwould asume a plant would be able to grow there


Active Member
the majority of soybeans grown in the usa are monsantos roundup ready hybrid, which is planted and then applications of roundup are applied by airplane or tractor at intervals throughout the season. this is why you usually never see anything growing in a soybean field except soybeans. if i were you, i would look elsewhere for a place to plant the autos...


Well-Known Member
kindfarms, weed also has powerful roots and in my garden no other plants grow around it. So it may work.
In addition to what pmumbry said, whatever weeds don't get it from herbicides etc, farmers will 'walk the beans' to manually pull any remaining weeds because they clog the harvest machines. So IOW, they would be spotted and pulled in a heartbeat.
I've had success on the edge of cornfields. ymmv