Other Legal Highs?


Well-Known Member
Fly agarics are the best and strongest trip you will ever get apart from pure LSD,but i wouldn't recommend these to the newbie tripper.

Be aware that they are very very strong and can kill you,worse case,if you take to much or are susceptible to the chemicals in them.

Because you cannot tell how strong an individual mushy is until its to late there is no way of knowing if your gonna get a mild trip or the biggest baddest trip you ever had.

Basically if you take them you can have a great time or turn into an ill spud coma etc. so be careful or better still don't do it ever,if you must do it make sure you have a responsible "trip babysitter" who is not wasted and can call for help if you get into trouble and munch only a small amount at a time:blsmoke:


Active Member
Purple Hayze, Look At Garden And Plant Centers. It's Also Know As Farmers Sage. You Can Also Order From Headshops. Lonehippie