other methods of drying????


So since i am growing sativas and indicas, im looking at a staggard harvest. I was planning on harvesting them and hanging them to dry in my grow room. But since it now seems like i will have a staggard harvest which means the light will still be running after i harvest my indicas. The only method of drying i know of is hanging and i dont have another place other then my grow room to do that in so my question is what other methods are there to dry other then hanging? can you do it in boxes?


Ya I asked something similar because I'm growing outside and can't dry them inside or hang them outside so...


Isnt the odor extremely strong at this point though? I need to do it outside or some how keep the smell down at this point in the process?


Well-Known Member
Take a large paper bag (one they bag groceries in) and put a couple inches of shredded brown lunch bag (by shredded I mean strips no more then an inch thick, but not much smaller then 1/2") then just lay a few branches of bud on top of that. Cover those buds with a few more inches of shredded brown bag, and then lay more bud. Continue to stack like that until bag is full. For first couple of days you will want to open bag and air out each stack for a few minutes and then simply let bags sit. From there do jar curing as normal.

Honestly no idea on that method, just saw it on a video yesterday or so.