Been busy the last week or so, making plans to take the fam on a cruise to the Caribbean islands. Kids have been on one to Alaska, but they were babies. Now at 8 and 10 they can remember the trip and make it a real adventure. I'm looking forward to the r & r and change of scenery. Even upgraded the cabin to concierge with private balcony, so I can be spoiled like a mofo and dump them over the rail if they become little shits on the trip.
Guess it's a good thing I'm not growing right now, no plants to worry about while i'm out of country. Hope everyone is doing well and smoking what they grow. Isn't it cool to look at your smoke and say, "damn, I grew that, and it's pretty good shit, cough cough!" amazing things that we can do with a little light, water, and soil.
sexy plant b166er.
Flat canopy bro, maximizes that space like a real pro
Damn jon, womp rats beware.
Possible dead sprouts? Too much light or water? Sorry first grow and I'm not sure what went wrong.
Sorry dude, got your pm this morning. Write down what you did on this grow, so you can reference it on the next and before you forget! ... everything, temps, lighting and distance, how much you watered. On your next run make small adjustments and record them as well. most these guys on riu wing it and get lucky. the pros follow a recipe and check list.
I've been gardening for decades and there is nothing easy about this, so don't beat yourself up over a couple dead sprouts. I've killed my fare share. Just try again and learn from your mistakes.
I drowned my first seeds in jiffy pots by over watering, never made it above the surface. I almost killed my one week seedlings my last grow because my solo cups were not draining.
Sometimes you catch the mistakes and recover, sometimes you don't and have to start over.
Don't be discouraged, give it another try.
Think of that dank smoke you will have one day when your harvest comes in, never buy again.