Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener


Well-Known Member

like the tight Nod space, seems like a nice phono, anybody with some cloning experience ? can I keep the clone as a mother and take clones from her ?


Well-Known Member
good, then she will be my mother for my next batch, well the one after the one that go in after those



Well-Known Member
Ok, I harvested my chernobyl, gsc and a mystery was solved, I found out I had a ace of spades in the bunch. Next up is my Lemon Skunks (mainlined), Atomic Shivas, Bubba Kushes and another mystery plants from seeds. Sorry about the post and sideways pictures. My main computer is having internet problems. Not liking this win 8 tablet.



Well-Known Member
Happy 2014 everybody. Just caught up on the thread. Seeing all the pics has got me itching to drop some beans. Really beautiful plants on here. You guys are really producing some nice buds.


Well-Known Member
Awesome Dank. Posted up on your thread last night. Looks like you have a lot of peeps on the thread still, that's good brother!

I'm finally 100% again, after having the flu for a week.

Slip, I tried to PM the other day just to say hi and check in on you. Hope all is well on your side of the world.


Well-Known Member
What's up guys??Long time no post.Good to see you still around Pros!I've posted results on the 12/12fs thread....but anyway heres the results(pics)of my solo cup grow:eyesmoke:...
Photo12201232.jpg...before chop
They weigh between 6.5-9.5 grams each with a 12g kicker....yes dried!:).....not as good as id hoped but i'll take'em.I had 36 cups,so 36x8g=288g.That's a pretty accurate estimate:dunce:Not bad,over 10 ounces in approx. 60 days using recycled MG,cfls,barely any water....LOL...someone actually asked me how much soil did I use.I know its not the best weed(mexi-brick) but its sensimillia mexi-buds now!
A BIG FYI...I finally got some good genetics!!!I now have 2 cotton candys(sprouted,5 days old),2 pineapple express,2 power skunk seeds!!SUPER STOKED!!!!


Well-Known Member
You won't see much from me plant wise for at least a few weeks. Just starting a batch of 100 seedlings. This should get interesting. I will keep popping seeds till I have 100 survivors.
7 of the strains are my crosses. Maybe adding another to that list as well.
Another 9 strains so far that are from other breeders.

Ill be sure to come back with SOOOOOOOOO MANY pics.


Well-Known Member
Smoke-a-vision for bud and F-a-vision for the porn, I'd never leave my computer!
LoL yea :D the world would changes a lot Im sure, make a eat-a-vision as well and you could live your live with out any contact to the outside world :D

might be good for mother nature, tho Im sure woman's would take over in a even higher scale now that we (men) don't need to leave the house hmmmmm …


Well-Known Member
I just finished up grow number 4 and number 5 is well on it's way. 6 and 7 are vegging patiently begging to be put into bloom. Just got a 100% clone rate from my kloner, 24 NWAs in, 24 NWAs out and I just loaded it up again with SBC, I'm thinking about trying SOG and send how that turns out. I have two mothers and will be growing two more. The two mother are NWA - Northern White Ape and the other is what I call SBC its a cross between Sour Bubble and Chernobyl. I am growing a Blue Dream mother and a GSC mother and I may grow a Chernobyl mother as well.

Okay in the in bloom I have a trio of Atomic Shivas from seeds. a pair of mainlined Lemon Skunks, a trio of Bubba Kushes, my mystery plant from a seed I found after one of my harvest, a trio of Chernobyl and a trio of SBC. I lost count on the day for my Lemon Skunks. Help me out and take a look and tell if you think they are getting close. OK, now for the pictorial.

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Atomic Shivas

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Lemon Skunks

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NWA and SBC and the bloom room.

20140113_112814.jpg 20140113_220646.jpg 20140113_220735.jpg

Enjoy the rest of the week! Peace!



Hi all,
I have been following this thread from the start. Just sitting in the background and admiring the great work that you all do!!! RESPECT!!!
I'm new to the game. Just made my amateur grow box from plywood and am still tweaking to try and optimize!!!
Your grows are amazing and I feel kinda ashamed to post pics of my grow. Reading your comments and looking at the pics has helped me more than I can express! Thanks guys....


Hi all,
I have been following this thread from the start. Just sitting in the background and admiring the great work that you all do!!! RESPECT!!!
I'm new to the game. Just made my amateur grow box from plywood and am still tweaking to try and optimize!!!
Your grows are amazing and I feel kinda ashamed to post pics of my grow. Reading your comments and looking at the pics has helped me more than I can express! Thanks guys....


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I have been following this thread from the start. Just sitting in the background and admiring the great work that you all do!!! RESPECT!!!
I'm new to the game. Just made my amateur grow box from plywood and am still tweaking to try and optimize!!!
Your grows are amazing and I feel kinda ashamed to post pics of my grow. Reading your comments and looking at the pics has helped me more than I can express! Thanks guys....

your most welcome :)

I also lurked a lot in the beginning before I signed up, you really learn a lot that way, but sharing and participating will help you even more, also why we made this thread, and don't worry we have all been newbies at some point, you have to start somewhere, keep lurking/reading and post what ever questions you might have (we are here to help as well) and keep it simple, its not rocket sciences, you can easily fuck up a good grow with too much love