ounce limit (plant)

That's ridiculous sounds like a pretty stupid rule that's begging to be ignored surely with the amount of people growing they can't check everyone out ? Can you not just say it is a ounce the rests got mould? Contaminated has to be disposed of? You know the old saying there's a will there's a way
Just don’t harvest the whole plant, cut the buds off as you need them. If you don’t harvest you will never know how
Much you would have had.
if they look at the plant and say ‘ya but what about all this’ you say that’s shwag it goes in the garbage. *point to the trim bin*
Run indoor / 1 gallon SOG plants or Dwarf strains .
12/12 photo seed start plants also. You can always tell the PoPo you dont count larf. :mrgreen:

You can also make tincture / carts from rosin / Bubble hash - then you can store more. No need for many jars. Keep “some” bud - convert the rest.

Lots of ways.
"CULTIVATION: Adults could cultivate up to six plants and possess the marijuana from these plants at their residence for personal use (Sec. 11362.1(3)). No more than six plants per residence. (N.B: These limits don’t apply to medical users, who may in principle grow whatever is necessary for their medical use under Prop. 215. However, local governments may restrict and even prohibit cultivation in some circumstances by local nuisance ordinances, Prop. 215 notwithstanding. Othwerwise, MMRSA allows patients up to 100 square feet of growing space per person, with collective gardens limited to 5 patients unless they obtain a state license).

All plants and harvested marijuana in excess of one ounce must be (1) kept with the person’s private residence or on its grounds, (2) in a locked apace, and (3) not visible from a public place. (11362.2). Violations of (1) – (3) are punishable as infractions with a maximum $250 fine. Cities and counties may regulate and restrict personal use cultivation, but cannot completely prohibit cultivation inside a private residence or accessory structure that is “fully enclosed and secure.” Local bans on outdoor cultivation are permitted at present, but only until such time as federal law is changed to allow adult use marijuana (11362.2(b))."

You can grow, harvest, and store as much as you can produce from your six plants. As long as you aren't driving around with more than an ounce, or selling it you are not violating the law.
Over grow those suckers , greedy bitches anyways if they wanna play hard ball I’m sure lot of og’s haven’t and never had a card or needed their permission to grow a plant.

if they would of offered everyone unlimited plant count and only time u can’t for outdoors is zones that the community states no growing . The way they could make tons of cash on everyone is sell the state confirmed plant Id with a barcode . Sell em for 5+ bucks a plant or more? . if found a grower is lacking legit Id fine 1k a label . if anything if they offered such things look how many in many states the med card how many were willing to diss it out just for the sack of some freedom and less danger. to make it cemented people must buy from commerical is like saying I can’t buy a non grocery store veggie and that’s so wrong

if grower wants to sell it, pay for commerical lic and have small scale like many industries and than lab requirements but make price so a farmer can do mass testing of batches affordable by making a lot of the profit from the plant tag go to lab testing and the department .

i can brew my own beer or grow as many veggies as I want without such taxes, cannabis could easily be taxed on market side but gained a lot on their side if their blindness coild see many home growers would pay for a plant count tag and make them legal 100%. I know I would pay np andd I’m sure would also. it makes it really hard for exp home growers and even breeders to find true gems like regular ag if u can’t even grow more than small numbers.
When Prop 215 and Prop 64 were passed I attended a ton of meetings with my county supervisors and the planning department and made sure that they defined the six plants as six mature plants, and that opened it up quite a bit.
I also asked my supervisors specifically about males, explaining to them that when growing from regular seeds only roughly half will be female, and that it's best to start with more than six females to account for losses and to select for the plants with the most desirable traits.
My county only counts mature plants in the six plant count and said that I could grow as many males or immature plants as I wanted. Check your local ordinances, if your county/municipality specifies "mature" plants in the plant count then you can have more than six plants growing at one time as long as only six of them are mature. If you are growing indoors you can run continuous batches of more than six plants, just flower six at a time. If you are growing outdoors and you're doing it right six plants are more than enough to supply two heavy smokers, legally.
The plant numbers could be better, especially for anyone like myself who is interested in breeding. You need numbers to breed properly. And as an outdoor grower, I wish that plant counts were higher for the sake of variety though, there are so many strains on my bucket list.
"CULTIVATION: Adults could cultivate up to six plants and possess the marijuana from these plants at their residence for personal use (Sec. 11362.1(3)). No more than six plants per residence. (N.B: These limits don’t apply to medical users, who may in principle grow whatever is necessary for their medical use under Prop. 215. However, local governments may restrict and even prohibit cultivation in some circumstances by local nuisance ordinances, Prop. 215 notwithstanding. Othwerwise, MMRSA allows patients up to 100 square feet of growing space per person, with collective gardens limited to 5 patients unless they obtain a state license).

All plants and harvested marijuana in excess of one ounce must be (1) kept with the person’s private residence or on its grounds, (2) in a locked apace, and (3) not visible from a public place. (11362.2). Violations of (1) – (3) are punishable as infractions with a maximum $250 fine. Cities and counties may regulate and restrict personal use cultivation, but cannot completely prohibit cultivation inside a private residence or accessory structure that is “fully enclosed and secure.” Local bans on outdoor cultivation are permitted at present, but only until such time as federal law is changed to allow adult use marijuana (11362.2(b))."

You can grow, harvest, and store as much as you can produce from your six plants. As long as you aren't driving around with more than an ounce, or selling it you are not violating the law.
there been court cases since the law pass bro :3
like for example a open container isnt a reclosed zip lock baggie as long as its closeed before the cop pulls up its a closed container under the law. my state anyways
When Prop 215 and Prop 64 were passed I attended a ton of meetings with my county supervisors and the planning department and made sure that they defined the six plants as six mature plants, and that opened it up quite a bit.
I also asked my supervisors specifically about males, explaining to them that when growing from regular seeds only roughly half will be female, and that it's best to start with more than six females to account for losses and to select for the plants with the most desirable traits.
My county only counts mature plants in the six plant count and said that I could grow as many males or immature plants as I wanted. Check your local ordinances, if your county/municipality specifies "mature" plants in the plant count then you can have more than six plants growing at one time as long as only six of them are mature. If you are growing indoors you can run continuous batches of more than six plants, just flower six at a time. If you are growing outdoors and you're doing it right six plants are more than enough to supply two heavy smokers, legally.
The plant numbers could be better, especially for anyone like myself who is interested in breeding. You need numbers to breed properly. And as an outdoor grower, I wish that plant counts were higher for the sake of variety though, there are so many strains on my bucket list.
for example my county limits it to six plants for rec users. xD depend on the law its sketchy wording
i seen local arrest over people trying to grow more than 6 plants as a rec user