ounce of MDMA

ok bro i will i aint gonna read through some fuckin maze of lines to read your mind!!
dude ok i was about to apologize but WTF.... read your post and tell me that im suppost to a nice friendly gesture??
if so then you got one fuckin wierd way of nicness and i aint bashin or nothin im just sayin if somone asks a serious question and dont know what the fuck somthin runs there aint no reason to fuckin act like a smart ass is all im sayin and it pisses me off you think you were bein "nice or somethin" and dont worry someone pmed me about the site anyways.... thanks for thinkin of me lmao

lets calm down and smoke a bowl well at least im gonna:weed:
It was the truth.. if you don't know what something costs, how can you tell if it is the correct chemical when it gets to you? They could be sending you Methylone, Butylone, MDAI, MDA, MDE(A), and you could have no idea if it is E. But I'm glad you got a PM, those dudes are assholes.
thanx but yeah idk its just a shitty way of sayin it but thank ,,,and well ive done molly a bunch of times i have never even tlked about buyin that much untill now ive bout a gram here a gram here and from buddies thats why im askin and if its somthin that was like it and i cant tell then owh well its my stupidity then lmao
fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me @!!!!! lmao
i gotcha lmao but idk im alot nicer about advise cuz when given it ppl take offence to smart ass shit like gettin rubbed in their face or somthin and thats what that was like and just pissed me off but its all good now lmao i smoked that bowl lol
I'm aware of who you are talking about as well and let me tell you... when I saw their list I just hit the back button. Once you learn what to look for, this is a obvious scam. If you ever get your samples it's just to bait you in to spend alot of cash.
I really only like ordering "grey-area" things. You start messin with all that other stuff Mr DEA will be putting on a FedEx uniform.
Good luck man
ill gladly go on a huntin trip tho lmao and dam now im all depressed lmao i was so excited !! well ....... i guess im not orderin thanx guy and dam i was soo excited tho but ill see if i even get the samples!!
lol, so you want to buy this, get it sent to you through the post, and sell it ... ?

why do you insist on implicating yourself so much about tweaky ice and fry ?
thats what i was thinkin and i can sell it in two weeks , ill go party on southbeach in a few clubs and let the word out and it will be gone in two weekends if that long, i know a bunch of people who love the stuff and love the roll