i grow everglades bud
Well-Known Member
ok bro i will i aint gonna read through some fuckin maze of lines to read your mind!!
dude ok i was about to apologize but WTF.... read your post and tell me that im suppost to a nice friendly gesture??
if so then you got one fuckin wierd way of nicness and i aint bashin or nothin im just sayin if somone asks a serious question and dont know what the fuck somthin runs there aint no reason to fuckin act like a smart ass is all im sayin and it pisses me off you think you were bein "nice or somethin" and dont worry someone pmed me about the site anyways.... thanks for thinkin of me lmao
lets calm down and smoke a bowl well at least im gonna
dude ok i was about to apologize but WTF.... read your post and tell me that im suppost to a nice friendly gesture??
if so then you got one fuckin wierd way of nicness and i aint bashin or nothin im just sayin if somone asks a serious question and dont know what the fuck somthin runs there aint no reason to fuckin act like a smart ass is all im sayin and it pisses me off you think you were bein "nice or somethin" and dont worry someone pmed me about the site anyways.... thanks for thinkin of me lmao
lets calm down and smoke a bowl well at least im gonna