ounce of MDMA

I hope you've double or triple checked the source you're getting mdma from man.. I can only think of one off of the top of my head, the other used to sell it but discontinued.. and I don't even know if my first source actually still vends it, I know he vends LSD though.
lmao well guys i guess were goin to find out !!!
after the sample comes ill decide if i want to get the acid from him too or not because a fellow member just gave me another source so im goin to email them and see how they seem and they also sell MDMA for 700 euro so i think its about 1000 which is a little cheeper so we will see what happens next week with the sample........... , and they are based in canada i know ,unless they are lieing - im talkin about my first source now
they also sell MDMA for 700 euro so i think its about 1000 which is a little cheeper so we will see what happens next week with the sample........... , and they are based in canada i know ,unless they are lieing - im talkin about my first source now

if they are based out of Canada, wouldn't their currency be in CAD instead of EUR?
nooo lmao im tlkin about 2 different sources there lmao
one is 1100 usd - in canada
and 400 a sheet of blotter - but dont tell the ug

the next is 700 euro - overseas
and 400euro a sheet of blotter at 150 ug a hit thats not the best deal tho
nooo lmao im tlkin about 2 different sources there lmao
one is 1100 usd - in canada
and 400 a sheet of blotter - but dont tell the ug

the next is 700 euro - overseas
and 400euro a sheet of blotter at 150 ug a hit thats not the best deal tho

yeah.. 400 a sheet, no dosage listed.. have fun with those DOx's lol.

Yeah man.. 400 EUR for a sheet, that sucks... I'll see if I can get an updated price from my source. You'd be better off hitting a music festival.. my boy got like 500 hits (each hit was diluted to like 1.4mg's a hit -1400ug's) for like $500 or $600.
Aren't sheets 500-900 quarter inch hits???? IDK

fuck no! haha I wish... usually 100 hits.

a sheet is 100 hits
a book is 1000 hits
a bible is 10000 hits

a vial is the only thing that I find to vary.. I hear 100 hits, I hear like 250 hits, 500 hits.. I think someone is just calling out numbers when vials are being sold IMHO.
i totaly agree on the vials !!
but any time i have bought one it was 100 hits but i have heard of ppl sayin theres 250, and 500 in the same size vial i have bough and im like thats fuuucked up !!
$750 for an ounce? i wish i had that hookup.

If that European source you guys are talking about is who i think it is (r*********) then you might want to wait a bit before placing an order. I never bothered with them just because I've heard alot of bad things. right now they're up to a month late shipping out orders for some people but still accepting new ones...
it really all depends on the quality of the mdma...Had a friend pic up 100 grams for 1500 bucks. only took .08 to get you rolling really hard.