Playing With PEA's
New Member
Then your only problem if you %100 sure the source is legit is customs or DEA or whatnot
they also sell MDMA for 700 euro so i think its about 1000 which is a little cheeper so we will see what happens next week with the sample........... , and they are based in canada i know ,unless they are lieing - im talkin about my first source now
nooo lmao im tlkin about 2 different sources there lmao
one is 1100 usd - in canada
and 400 a sheet of blotter - but dont tell the ug
the next is 700 euro - overseas
and 400euro a sheet of blotter at 150 ug a hit thats not the best deal tho
Aren't sheets 500-900 quarter inch hits???? IDK
Well that's just confusing!! A blotter sheet is supposed to be 900 quarter inch squares.