ounce of MDMA


Well-Known Member
i hear ya.. illl keep lookin
It takes becoming a rogue warrior... or maybe not to that extreme to find ecstasy.... do you reside in united states? on the east or west coast? East Coast is dying when it comes to legitimate mdma... its taken over by methbombs and piperazines. The market must not be high in demand their.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it.... I'm not trying to bust your balls mang... so swallow a gulp of air and chill. If you knew your topics you wouldn't be asking for a ecstasy source... seriously, who in the hell would ask for one of those. They're found on every block in my city!


Well-Known Member
Florida is dying for some good ecstasy

New York too

But yes thank you for agreeing with me... if their is no bulk, then its not high in demand!

You catch my essence ;)


Well-Known Member
Hate to burst your bubble, but that's wrong. Very wrong.There isn't much demand for bulk.. just people who want to roll every now and then.There's a LOT of good X on the east coast, at least in the south.
bout 2 hrs from ATL, and the pills here suck! So, feel free to reintroduce me to good pills in the Dirty South? :)


bout 2 hrs from ATL, and the pills here suck! So, feel free to reintroduce me to good pills in the Dirty South? :)
I live IN atlanta, I get bigfoot, triple or double stack green panthers, naked ladies, sassafrass, you fucking name it, its here.Road trip?:P


Well-Known Member
I live IN atlanta, I get bigfoot, triple or double stack green panthers, naked ladies, sassafrass, you fucking name it, its here.Road trip?:P
Only familar with one of those you mentioned... the nakes ladies I have tried on numerous occasions... mediocre but reliable rolls that always get you off! I suppose their is about 70mg contain in each pill. The lady's now have a bad reputation here in california though... their time has past here. The pokeballs are taking over cali.

I'll check out the others you mention.


Well-Known Member
I live IN atlanta, I get bigfoot, triple or double stack green panthers, naked ladies, sassafrass, you fucking name it, its here.Road trip?:P
you know that theres no such thinkg as 'stacked' pills right? its just marketing tecniques aimed at simpler custies.

pills are pills are pills. period. there is no standardized mesurement for a 'singlestack' so who gets to decide what a double or triple is? its honeyfluff for the kiddies.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
To me, triple stack means three times better than the average roll.Not a technical term in my books.
You my friend have been mystified by the whole propaganda of a fatass pill represents how strong they are... get your head out of your comic books!

Have you ever heard of wafers?????? Dude, thinniest pills out their and you'll roll harder then any fatass pressed pill out there.

Stacks are considered to be means of which drugs dealers push their products, a marketing scheme if you will... "the bigger is better" tantalism!


Well-Known Member
More myths about ex than any other substance it seems.

Many people still think ex pills are a heroin-cocaine mix.