Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Unlike the bigoted fake moralizers who think gender is a choice, I won't say you are a moral failure for your having a different taste for pizza than I do.
Sorry man, but if i see somebody eating pizza with pineapple, i’m going the other way and they can burn in hell!
It's the same in all affluent countries where women are empowered and in control of their fertility, Japan is rapidly aging and China is having trouble kick starting population growth after ending the one child policy. In poor countries children are still old age security, like they used to be in the affluent countries and before women gained control of their fertility. The pill was probably one of the most important technologies of the 20th century and impacted the most people.

The reason for population decrease in affluent countries is women's empowerment and that was greatly increased with contraception. If you think your kids will survive until adulthood, have social security and the means of contraception, then you will have fewer of them. In Muslim countries where women have little power there is not much of a decrease in population growth.
Like empowered to come out of the closet? I know too many gay men and women who would have been shamed into marriages and parenthood fifty years ago by society. You draw your conclusions but i see it differently.
Like empowered to come out of the closet? I know too many gay men and women who would have been shamed into marriages and parenthood fifty years ago by society. You draw your conclusions but i see it differently.
About 5% of the population identify as gay and some of them have children, by various means. So your anecdotes and personal observation mean little in any serious discussion of the matter. There is serious academic work in this area however and this article provides an overview.

Gay Americans: Government Begins LGBT Population Count (time.com)
Pizza is like sex, even bad pizza is still pizza...unless it has pineapple.
Sorry man, but if i see somebody eating pizza with pineapple, i’m going the other way and they can burn in hell!

Don’t need serious academic work, this is dharma.
You are right, it is natural law and academic work discovered it, actually dharma means the way reality works, or how we work in perceiving it.

Your empirical theory about human reproduction is bogus Jack, I'll go with the statistical evidence by experts in the field.
You are right, it is natural law and academic work discovered it, actually dharma means the way reality works, or how we work in perceiving it.

Your empirical theory about human reproduction is bogus Jack, I'll go with the statistical evidence by experts in the field.
Statistically, 2 men produce 0 babies.
It took a million years to reach 1 billion, but only 200 more years to reach 7.9 billion.
Ain't technology wonderful, first the agrarian revolution starting 10,000 years ago dramatically increased population and then modern technology increased it further. It wouldn't be too bad if the global population went back to less than 5 billion in a century by people choosing to have fewer children.