Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Since the Republican twats want to pick on transgender people, I thought I would put it out there that my wife and I have a transgender six year old.

I'm ready for a fight with any piece of shit that has a problem with it.

Geez, I didn't mean this to be a think piece
I to have a now grown up daughter who was once my son and I applaud yourself and your wife for supporting your child on this life journey of finding out exactly who they are.
Although my child was 12 I supported them all the way and always will but the ignorance out there is both outrageous and shocking .
We all have the right to be whoever we want to be with no judgement
Sorry for jumping on your post I just wanted to say sending much respect to you your wife and your family.
I thought I would put it out there that my wife and I have a transgender six year old.
I do not envy you the tough road you have ahead.

But I do applaud you for allowing your kid to be who they feel they are. Your kid is very, very lucky to have her parents behind her at this early stage. It will make all the difference in the world over the long haul.

Best of luck!

Just this past weekend I was reading an article about the indigenous Americans approach to gender identification. They believe people can have “Two-Spirits” and it’s why they wait until children self identify before they are given a name.

Makes you wonder who the real “savages” are.

My only question for you Unclebaldrick, is how do you tell your child that some of her family will not accept her for who she is? I can’t even imagine how you could begin to explain that to a 6 year old.

edit: I looked for the article I was reading to post a link and couldn’t find it. I did find a similar article, though;

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This guy is such a trash can making posts like this. Figures his kid is all fucked up too.

Try not making your posts about picking fights over gay topics. You liked that pun I'm sure lol.

What TacoMac says it how the kid knows. As far as bad parenting goes, how can that come into it at this age?

There was a good series of lectures bu a Sanford University Prof which should be recommended viewing by anyone before they graduate from high school.

Why a kids develops into what they are are a combination of events and their biology. Being one pound at birth may have had something to do with it.