Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

A little story to provide a break in the ignorance

This morning I went out to get some annuals to add some colour to the flower beds. As I’m scanning the begonias and geraniums I thought about what Unclebaldrick’s daughter said. “Colours are for everyone”. How simple and yet profound. It wasn’t the first time I’ve thought about her words over the past few days, either.

What a special person she is and what a great job the parents are doing by simply embracing her brilliance.
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And what do you think is meant by 'gender reassignment'?

And I am not saying this like a jerk, but usually this is meant to be actual surgery, and outside of people who have came into this thread triggered, I haven't seen anyone else talk about this kind of medical procedure.
Yeah this point has clearly been glossed over by people who just think the surgery is done or set to be. So triggered that instead of listening to their child's needs, they tell them you are this or you are that instead of letting the other being tell you what they are and how they feel.

Feelings: The alt right kryptonite! Lol
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