Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

You people are a broken record. Each of you just repeats the same retarded ideas that are 100% incorrect. There isn't a point to trying to refute the same tired argument over and over.

Sorry you feel diminished.
I dont feel deminished! I feel sad for you... "you people".

You can't even quote what ideas I have that you refute and why! Good debating skills buddy!
I dont feel deminished! I feel sad for you... "you people".

You can't even quote what ideas I have that you refute and why! Good debating skills buddy!
Show me a single one of your "ideas" that has not been brought up by one of you dumbfucks already and addressed.

Despite what you think of my debating skills, yours consists of bringing up the same discredited crap over and over and over again.

You believe your own lies and stupidity to be the truth like most Trumpers do. Whether this is a tactic necessitated by the weakness of your position or just based on your utter ignorance, it really doesn't matter - you lose.
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If they "yearn for a normal life" they should keep the dress up bullshit behind closed doors.
Or they understand that your definition of "normal" is just another way of saying that you believe that everyone should be like you and accept your closed minded definition of it or be persecuted and abused, and they reject it as hopelessly bigoted and stupid.

It could be that.

Ah, Trumpers, despite the fact that you live in trailers, suck at everything and need guns to compensate for the fact that your penises don't work, you have the hilarious belief that you are right and constitute the majority.

That's adorable.

You are hopeless dinosaurs.
What goes around comes around, spew stupidity and hate and get it thrown right back at you, works like that here and in the real world too. Attack most people's children and you'd be lucky to get away with your life, on a good day.
Relax chaz bono all I said was does this make sense lol now your talking about loosing my life. GO buy some duck tape for lil Chris Tucker over there..