Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Dont do it bloodbath!
Both sides are the same eh? You don't see any moral difference at all and appear to believe discredited, fruitcake fringe economic ideas. The federal reserve shield is inserted between to equal extremes, sounds like somebody is sending a message and that someone got sucked into being a useful idiot.

Care now, they are taking over.
We handled it straight on. I doubt she was grasping it entirely but at least she understood what was happening when it did. She understands much better now and realizes that her actions will often result in hatred toward her. She know why too.

We talk to her about issues a lot. We let her know that she is not alone, nor is this a new thing. NYT had an article recently documenting transgender children hundreds of years ago. We discussed it. It is important that she be able to love and accept herself- especially in the face of the hatred that she is encountering from the cult of christians and other small minded and misguided people. Our library is pretty well stocked with kids books on the topic (librarians here are pretty cool, a while back a local Republican donated all of Rush Limbaugh's books to the library. The librarians threw them away to the great rage of the local bigot mafia.)

I know, I know, these idiots think that not teaching her to be ashamed of herself constitutes child abuse. Pro-life my ass.

Funny that there is any parent who can claim that a six year old cannot understand gender. They either have no children or are completely alienated from any they have. This is a totally false assertion.

Have you considered getting your daughter some proper martial arts training?

If kids know that she's capable of blackening their eye, bloodying their nose, or giving them a fat lip for putting their hands on her, I figure they'd be much less likely to do so. Bully's pick on those that they perceive as weak. They don't pick on those that fight back/defend themselves.

Most times, knowing how to fight means you don't have to.

(Thanks, Mr. Miyagi!)
And you said that you 6 yo child came to this decision without any outside influence for your gay pastor or wackjob family? You really believe it's a good idea to chop you kids nuts off because you support gay rights.
Do you have kids? At some point you start thinking about what is best for them and their mental health, vs your own opinions about what you want them to be. He did say his family came to this decision on how to treat their child after a couple years.
I can't divorce myself from my mother. She is as bad as anybody here. Much worse than most.

oh yes you can..you stop calling them..and i advise that. as you know kids are very perceptive and your child will feel her disgust and contempt..why would you want to expose your child to that? no thank you. my mom was a functioning alcoholic for forever and i refused to let my kids see it. she's passed on early death at 70, my children don't remember her. that part makes me sad. i made the decision that it was better for them to not know her than to know her in that manner..to know her the way i did.

i still stiffen when i hear the creak of a cabinet and the swirling of ice and a butter knife in liquid.

your family is you, your wife and child..seek out the transkids community and make friends; they will be your family in ways your family could never.
And you said that you 6 yo child came to this decision without any outside influence for your gay pastor or wackjob family? You really believe it's a good idea to chop you kids nuts off because you support gay rights.
I can't divorce myself from my mother. She is as bad as anybody here. Much worse than most.
I did. Figuratively, of course.

I ran into my mother about 6 or 7 years ago at Home Depot. Hadn't seen seen her since dad's funeral in 2008. Haven't seen her since. Don't know where she is, what she's doing or if she's still alive.

Don't care either.

And I'll bet good money my mother would make yours look like Mother Theresa.
Awhile back, I was on a science expedition to the outer galaxy when suddenly, I and my team were hit with cosmic rays. We didn't feel any immediate effects, but when we returned to Earth, we felt....different. My body became like elastic. Sue and Johnny were affected in unique ways as well. Sue could turn invisible and Johnny became a human torch who could fly. I am certain the same cosmic rays also hit the Earth and began to change humans, too....with even weirder results. Now, not all males are men and not all females are women. Vaginas are now penises and penises are now vaginas. Children can now make adult decisions and adults can now act like irresponsible children. It's like Bizarro Earth, now. Even a former Olympic Decathlon gold medalist who was once considered a man among men, has now been rendered into a feminine politician...not to mention the whole Donald Trump as POTUS deal...

Cosmic rays.
I did. Figuratively, of course.

I ran into my mother about 6 or 7 years ago at Home Depot. Hadn't seen seen her since dad's funeral in 2008. Haven't seen her since. Don't know where she is, what she's doing or if she's still alive.

Don't care either.

And I'll bet good money my mother would make yours look like Mother Theresa.

i guarantee i have you beat if i could tell you.
Awhile back, I was on a science expedition to the outer galaxy when suddenly, I and my team were hit with cosmic rays. We didn't feel any immediate effects, but when we returned to Earth, we felt....different. My body became like elastic. Sue and Johnny were affected in unique ways as well. Sue could turn invisible and Johnny became a human torch who could fly. I am certain the same cosmic rays also hit the Earth and began to change humans, too....with even weirder results. Now, not all males are men and not all females are women. Vaginas are now penises and penises are now vaginas. Children can now make adult decisions and adults can now act like irresponsible children. It's like Bizarro Earth, now. Even a former Olympic Decathlon gold medalist who was once considered a man among men, has now been rendered into a feminine politician...not to mention the whole Donald Trump as POTUS deal...

Cosmic rays.

you must be blind perhaps he was 'considered' but clearly Kris Jenner had the bigger penis and juicy brucey was jelly.

now she looks like a mean ole bitch they make fun over Hillary with.

the Jenner woman will not win the Gubernatorial..i don't even remember her first name and i don't care enough to Google it, that's how unimpressed i am.
Awhile back, I was on a science expedition to the outer galaxy when suddenly, I and my team were hit with cosmic rays. We didn't feel any immediate effects, but when we returned to Earth, we felt....different. My body became like elastic. Sue and Johnny were affected in unique ways as well. Sue could turn invisible and Johnny became a human torch who could fly. I am certain the same cosmic rays also hit the Earth and began to change humans, too....with even weirder results. Now, not all males are men and not all females are women. Vaginas are now penises and penises are now vaginas. Children can now make adult decisions and adults can now act like irresponsible children. It's like Bizarro Earth, now. Even a former Olympic Decathlon gold medalist who was once considered a man among men, has now been rendered into a feminine politician...not to mention the whole Donald Trump as POTUS deal...

Cosmic rays.
Some people are afraid of their own sexuality.
Awhile back, I was on a science expedition to the outer galaxy when suddenly, I and my team were hit with cosmic rays. We didn't feel any immediate effects, but when we returned to Earth, we felt....different. My body became like elastic. Sue and Johnny were affected in unique ways as well. Sue could turn invisible and Johnny became a human torch who could fly. I am certain the same cosmic rays also hit the Earth and began to change humans, too....with even weirder results. Now, not all males are men and not all females are women. Vaginas are now penises and penises are now vaginas. Children can now make adult decisions and adults can now act like irresponsible children. It's like Bizarro Earth, now. Even a former Olympic Decathlon gold medalist who was once considered a man among men, has now been rendered into a feminine politician...not to mention the whole Donald Trump as POTUS deal...

Cosmic rays.
Been out in the sun too long I see.
Awhile back, I was on a science expedition to the outer galaxy when suddenly, I and my team were hit with cosmic rays. We didn't feel any immediate effects, but when we returned to Earth, we felt....different. My body became like elastic. Sue and Johnny were affected in unique ways as well. Sue could turn invisible and Johnny became a human torch who could fly. I am certain the same cosmic rays also hit the Earth and began to change humans, too....with even weirder results. Now, not all males are men and not all females are women. Vaginas are now penises and penises are now vaginas. Children can now make adult decisions and adults can now act like irresponsible children. It's like Bizarro Earth, now. Even a former Olympic Decathlon gold medalist who was once considered a man among men, has now been rendered into a feminine politician...not to mention the whole Donald Trump as POTUS deal...

Cosmic rays.
Did you mean to post this in the NASA thread?
While we are here might as well mention it. Had a nice 'brown' family (man, wife, young daughter, guessing Indian) four doors down. The only problem I had was that they dumped a ton of money into their house which helps raise the taxes on the street. They moved, the neighbour right next to them had signs in the windows facing the 'brown' neighbour's house. "Sinners repent": and things like that. Was a surprise as I felt they were reasonably laid back. A white family moved in and no sign of the signs. Just saying.
So you have a prejudice against whites?
Lmao what are you talking about
The hatred of a kid and his parent for being different from yourself is reminiscent of ISIS.

What is it about your kind that you feel entitled to impose your world views on others? Just like radical followers of Islam. Which makes me wonder why all the hate your kind heap upon people who are very similar to yourself? Is it your competitive drive or your envy of them for their harems?