Out by the shack - my first time growing

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok so i collected a shit-ton of seeds being the avid pothead that i am, i wanted to do some Hightimes style shit, with the hydro and the lights all sophisticated like.

but im a pothead so most of my cash goes to weed, so i decided to grow outside, in pots so i can move them around and take them inside if the weather got bad.

I planted on 4/20, all of the seeds i used were from real good bags of weed where there was like only 1 or 2 seeds, well now its 3 months later and i have about 30 plants. I live with my girlfriend in NY and almost everyone in the neighborhood only lives here during the summer and should be leaving in late august. hopefully they dont smell too strongly before then

i noticed the area between the garage/shack and the fence on the north side of the property got a lot of sunlight so i decided to grow there, the neighbors on the other side of the fence have already left till next year, and its a pretty private area so im not to worried about anyone finding it.

so i decided to start this grow journal because the plants are getting like 4-5 feet tall, and up until now this shit didnt require a lot of know-how, but now that its getting close to flowering time i decided to get some help. especially on the subject of sexing the plants

i took these pictures with a camera-phone so their not the best but they get the job done.


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johnny on the pot

Active Member
the first picture is all the plants "just a chillin"
the second picture is the first plant that was REALLY showing stamen, (thank god for females)

the third picture is where most of the other plants are at, not really showing, or having like a tiny little ball at the nodes. from most of the information ive gathered thats a male preflower, but ima give it a little more time, maybe a little white hair will pop out and make my day

johnny on the pot

Active Member
the genetics of all these plants is REALLY diverse, but one in particular, is kinda special.

i got a bag of weed that when smoked got me so fuckin high i thought i was tripping on acid, well to my suprise there was one solitary seed at the bottom of this bag, i seperated it and kept note....

well when 4/20 came i (like most of you) smoked my ass off. and while high decided to plant some seeds, and now 3 months later that special seed is the strangest plant ive grown

most of the plants have like 7-9 leaves but this bastard has 11... yeah 11, and i was like "damn i hope its female"

tradgedy struck when some fuckin bugs ate the shit out of it, left the other plants alone, i dont know this one got singled out, plus .... unlike the other plants it "clawed" a little in the sunlight, i had to get it some shade...

shes healing nicely.... weird leaves though.. 9 normally going around, and then another leaf grows trying to overlap the big "main" leaf in the center of the fan shape making it 10 leaves, then that leaf splits to make it 11.

hmmm here i am explaining this shit when i can just go outside and take a camera/phone shot... ima little high right now go fig

ill go do that

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok the first new pic is "the shack" that im growing around

the second picture are of some overflow plants that i quarantined to the other side of the shack cuz they havent really shown their sex yet and i just wanna be careful

and the last pic is the one i went out there to get in the first place, a shot of an 11 leafed pot plant.. or the leaf anyway. im pretty sure im seeing stamen near the top although i dont wanna jinx myself



Well-Known Member
i hope ur going to put them in the ground or at least bigger pots thay look like they would be realy nice to you if you put them in the ground mine told me thats where thay want to spend the rest of there life lol

johnny on the pot

Active Member
really.. thats a good idea i'll have to get on that, when i first started growing i wasn't sure if i should grow inside with a light or outside, i went to a hydroponics store, and realized i wasn't bank enough for an HPS kit at this time... i mean i have grow lights but the plants really seemed to prefer being outside

did yours do a lot better after getting them in the ground?


Well-Known Member
oh god ya thay just go crazy thay start looking like x-mas trees. it dont take very long for them to be over your head and those look like thay wana get big oh for bugs there are lots of different things ppl use what works for me in the veg stage (the stage ur plants are in now) permethrin (ill take pic) u can get it at wallmart i dont know if its organic i dont think so but it keeps bugs off my plants better than neeem oil .neem oil dose not work in my opion. cant find my phone ill take pic later

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok it was a little hard going cuz i had to clean out all the undergrowth and random weeds, cut down some ugly ass bush blocking sunlight, but i got them all in the ground.. turns out the soil there is perfect topsoil soft and really dark so the plants should do well. I'll get a shot or 2 after my girl gets back from the city with her camera.

johnny on the pot

Active Member
killed 3 males today, 2 were some of the tallest and fattest i had which is really disappointing. but 18 is nothing to sneeze at

and then one of the ladies popped out some testicles...

hermaphrodite... i quarantined it to the other side of the shack i hope it doesn't pollinate all my shit


johnny on the pot

Active Member
well its been about a month since i took them out of the pots and put them in the ground, and holy fuck have they shot up... and out, in all directions.

the only thing is that some of them are now past 6feet and are becoming taller then the fence thats behind them, this normally wouldnt be a problem except that some old lady bought the house next door.

i think to be on the safe side im going to have to move the plants, especially before they start to smell... i've picked out a place, cleared a path to it, and dug all the necessary holes... the only thing is this place gets WAY more sunlight then the plants do right now, so i dont know how this will affect them as they have all begun to flower heavily.

the first pic is of me watering the plants... see the trough i built at their base holds the water and keeps it from rolling down hill to the shack

the second pic shows me standing next to the plants... im 6'2 so you can get an idea of how tall they are

and the last pic is just a close up on my irrigation tactic


johnny on the pot

Active Member
heres a pic from the other side, as you can see some of the plants are getting REALLY tall, i just finished watering them before i took this picture you can see the water in the "mote" around them


johnny on the pot

Active Member
ive had a problem recently with 2 of my plants their showing this black shit around their branch tips and tops... i tried neem oil and hydrogen peroxide thinking it was fungal or bacterial but neither did anything...

i made this thread on it https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/104448-ack-new-growth-thats-black.html but no one seems to have said anything about it

these are the pics that worry me
the first one is the plant that has it bad
the second is a leaf on that plant thats been fucked up by it
the third is the plant next to it that is also showing signs of this shit

i gave the plants a good bit of food a week or 2 ago so it might be from that

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok so after doing some research i found that my problem is either a phosphorus deficiency, over watering, or an iron deficiency from over watering. In any case i bought some nutes to fix some of the problems, and ive stopped watering the plants as much as i used to, so now i just gotta sit back and see what happends

johnny on the pot

Active Member
so the plants have bounced back from their deficiency problem, i got my BIG BUD in the mail finally and have been using it...

but now i have an even bigger problem, im noticing bud that is brown and fuzzy, and when i touch it... it fucking disintegrates... im guessing its mold or fungus... i went and bought spray bottles and a bunch of hydrogen peroxide... ive cut off all the affected areas, and sprayed a ton of H2O2 around the areas that were infected, well i actually sprayed it all over all of my plants in the hopes that it will keep it from spreading