out door/green house 2010 grow


some may feel im jumping the gun but imo this is not the case...

ok then, i put ladies out twice in a season eighteen in march and eighteen in may.

i have decided to use mendo purps & bubba these two strains are imo sturdy and thrive in cooler climates. so these will veg until the second week of march..

these cuts where taken last night...
i will show weekly pictures of the whole project..enjoy!

right mendo purps left bubba


ok now with a gental tug on the lil ladies they stay firm in place..so with in a matter of two or three days i should see the roots pushing out..no losses at this point...


so i've been doing mite warfare thanks to a careless friend and well mites! anyhow i will be taking pictures of my all new cuts and at this point i won't be able to put out the first batch in march...but may is sneaking up quick..pictures will include the green house process..