Out Door Lemon Haze HELP. Deficient / Toxic ?


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm, that is weird. Plant looks completely healthy except for those black tips, usually with nute burn its not just that. I have read where N def can cause black like that but have never seen it actually happen.. I'm stumped


Yea it is bizzare, I deffo think it the worm food as it is so strong and i diluted it way to way to strong. apparently it should be 1/10 and i did probably 1/3 and put to much on so i think it has to much of something and i have checked out a couple of diagrams and think it has too much zinc or magnesium....

But the plant next to it doesn't seem to be effected by it too much However there is is slat malformation of the leaves.

See below.



you refereing to the pictures on this post or on the original ? Haha this will get confusing and its my fault for posting in the wrong place.


Active Member
if you think you overfed them, flush. check your ph runoff, it might be higher in the root zone than you think. nutes tend to raise ph.


yea i Have given them a good Flush now and i am away for about a week now so hopefully all will be ok when i get back.


if you think you overfed them, flush. check your ph runoff, it might be higher in the root zone than you think. nutes tend to raise ph.
Ph Runoff ? Sorry i am new to this so where should i be checking ?? and i will check and come back with the results XD cheers guys


Active Member
hi all, he cant really do ph run off as they are in the ground, he could take a sample of soil and test the run off but this would not be soil from the root zone so that would deem it pointless.


hi all, he cant really do ph run off as they are in the ground, he could take a sample of soil and test the run off but this would not be soil from the root zone so that would deem it pointless.
Yea and I have checked the soil in multiple places around the root mass but only as deep as the length of the probe and. Get a very consistent reading . Plus the plants have been in the same soils from the very beginning and this only started recently .