Outdoor 08--flowering pics


Well-Known Member
Ok, well I just got back home today after over a month away. While I was gone, I had my dad go and tend to my plants for me, as far as regular watering and feeding was concerned...he's never grown any pot before or anything so he couldn't really troubleshoot any problems...he pretty much was limited to what I told him to do over the phone, and what notes I left on nutrients--you can imaigine how frustrating that was.

Anyway, there are probably things that I could have done that would put me in a better place now than I am, but really I'm thankful that I have anything. I had 7 plants all sexed female when I left, but two of them turned hermaphrodite and I had to order the hit on them.

Here are the pictures I took today upon my arrival. I have a pretty shitty camera, with no macro mode, so no great close-up budshots :(

All except one are in potse because of poor location choices in the beginning.

1. Unknown strain from bagseed. They told me it was blueberry but people are nototious for making up names around here so it's just good bagseed. Not really flowering yet.
2. GrowDoc's Angel Dust, at least two weeks into flowering.
3. Shitty budshot on the Angel Dust
4. Bad picture of my Durban Poison x Skunk. I took like seven pictuers of it and this was the best. Really shitty camera, and really bright out. You can see a milk jug lying in the pot at the bottom (well, right)
5. Barney's Farm's Morning Glory, locked up in it's cage. You can see that one branch is on the outside of the wire. It's about two weeks in.
6. Shitty semo-closeup
7. I know you can't make anything out really, but just look how crystally the leaves are. I swear it looks like someone drizzled beach sand all over the leaves. That that shit.
8. The only one that's still in the ground. It's the same strain as that other bagseed plant. It was my experiment with lst, but it doesn't get enough light and has been stunted about the whole time I was gone, the stems are pretty flimsy, I think I might say fuck it and dig it up and replant in direct sun. It shows no signs of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Nice plants,I'd like to see a better pic of your DP to see how they compare to mine.Do you plan on putting any in the ground to finish?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, man.

I know, I can probably get a better shot if I'm out later in the day, maybe tomorrow.

I do plan on putting the durban and the two bagseed plants in the ground, perhaps the morning glory as well.