Outdoor 09


Well-Known Member
ok guys tomoro i am going to sneak back to my grow and ill take a picture of the ground a a picture of the sky. so you can see how much sunlight it gets. I may try to take 3 bags back there and shovel away the snow. Then dig a 2 foor deep by 5 foot long and 3 ft wide are and dig up all the dirt in the ground, and then mix it all up again with the potting mix. I have a little bit of this cactus potting mix, it has like bark and sand an some like pine needles. If i spread this acrost the top will it make the soil too acidic?

and is there any thing else i couldput over the soil to keep it protected from the snow like a trash bag or a tarp?


Well-Known Member
This thread is gonna help me... Im planning to grow outdoors myself... but i need to learn lots beore that :)


Well-Known Member
I got some seeds today from a friend. He said there northern lights 5 f2 and the other is watermelon by MANGO company.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
right on man looking forward to checking out your grow..... take some far away shots i love the wild....dont forget your pipe when you go nothing like taking a hit in the wild

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I would spread enough pine needles & such, ONLY as hiding the fresh dig, but no more than needed. If a cover is put over the site, make sure it can breath, so lack of air supply doesn't kill your soil. When I first started "making" my soil, I ask the Nursery people what compost they used, because their livelihood depends on good plants, but they won't use the overpriced shit.. just good shit. A bottle of Compost Tea will activate the microbes, and they LOVE molasses & liquid seaweed. With this, you will grow monsters.


Well-Known Member
hmm... are u sure NOBODY can reach ur grow-area?.... It seems like a place easily accessible. If not, then its a good spot, imo.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
sweet ..... im wondering why those trees are dead....could it be the soil?? welll we will have to wait its going to be a while untell all those bushes grow there green back to hide your grow.....when did you think about starting ??


they arent dead, most anyway, just shut down for the winter. looks good, no one can see it from a path right?


Well-Known Member
well if you were looking for t in the woods youd find it prolly. And the trees are dead because i made them dead. Noone that i kno of goes into this woods except a few 4 wheelers but they dont go back to this area because the whole spot is a damn poison ivy bomb.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
i cant wait i have like 8 seeds plus whatever i find tell i go up in may maybe april hehehe we will see


Active Member
"it was dry as a dessert on the top, but it was insanly moist about 8 inches deep."
have you thought that the level of the water in the nearby creek is the same level underground as in the creek so digging down to the same level as that you hit water? I had thought that a wick system might work in that situation?
"hmm... are u sure NOBODY can reach ur grow-area?" I also thought about getting a large container of cheap time release fert & sprinkle LOTS of it about 20 or 30 feet away & all around the site that way the natural plant in the area will grow a wall around it. Also there will be alot of really green plants that will blend in more from the air
just my 2cp Ogre


Well-Known Member
good idea, i will spread some cheapo fert all around it so it all will grow up. And is there any outdoor techniques to keep the fuckers small and low. I will be satified with 6 colas if i get that. Shit, here where i live id take an eigh and be happy.


Well-Known Member
and i will start growing in late march early april. i will start them all outside in small cups, plant some in pots, and then the rest i wil plant in random locations.