Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants


Well-Known Member
Most Police dogs are trained in a foreign language (like German) so the Perp can't call him off!

P.S. "Rippers! Fressen"!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Here is the answer to the pics probem. From the words of the web master at 420 genetics.com

Yea Man, its been crazy the past couple months here. I thought we were getting hacked, forum would lag and not load most of the time. Was eating up bandwidth and could not figure it out. But it had something to do with you .... LOL

Your pics have gotten more views/attention than any thing i ever seen on the web. I had to block linking to other sites. ( I dont not mine this at all and working asap to fix it) I love that you hosted your monster grow pictures here but IC and grasscity get way more views than us. I think 420 is or was the only site that allowed linking. But Im waiting on the host to see if there is something i can do or put a limit up so if there is alot viewing it, they get server busy instead of a red x. I hope to have an answer asap for this man.

Sorry about this, last thing i wanted to do is not to allow you to host your harvest pics here. I will get back to you asap.


FYI .... you get over 10,000 hits a day and you ate up 130gbs of bandwidth in 26days, (140gb last month) thats more than we use in a year ... lol ( no worries on bandwidth have plenty of it just the lag and no response is the problem) and also your pics viewed on 420 have no problems.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Your grow has been outstanding and I have thoroughly enjoyed sitting in and observing.

One trainer I know uses "Back Off" to attack. That way she could say that she was trying to call off the attack.

Shepherds are very loyal, faithfull and intelligent if you can find true german heritage.

One security measure would be for RUI to let you do a live webcast. With this many viewers a ripper wouldn't stand a chance.



Well-Known Member
"FYI .... you get over 10,000 hits a day"

"thats more than we use in a year"

So how much is his commision if he just doubled your traffic? That's epic, people pay for that...


Well-Known Member
what an amazing response from your host there!! Really that is so flattering! Nice job, again.

To the Ripper situation, I am soooo glad you went ahead and just chopped everything. Anyone that has grown (outside especially) knows the Ripper Man. Ahhw, I have had more weed stolen outside than I have harvested. :< So I am very happy for your outcome! ...it is to bad about the wife situation, I feel you there too.

One more Congrats, and we all hope to see your harvest pics bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Harvest pics tomorrow. I might even take a video of my garage. It looks like your under water in a sea kelp bed.



Well-Known Member

This is a THC soaked Tee-shirt. Notice the shoulders from lifting plants all day? Can you bubble hash teeshirts? LOL



Well-Known Member
Most excellant harvest 5150. How are you getting rid of that moisture in your drying room? Don't need any mold on those beauties.

If you ever get tired of growing you could sell some of that magic soil. ha

Well done my man. :leaf:
