Outdoor 5 ft tall bushy marijuana plant, need information


I just made an account to ask for some info about outdoor growing. I have a 5 ft bushy female marijuana plant and its grown under 90 degree weather direct sunlight. anyone know how much it may yield?? and do i have to kill my plant for harvesting or is there anyway i could use the same plant again? i have it in a large tin trash can with two big bags or miracle grow potting soil with up to 3 month time release nutrient supply plus i give it rose plant food and all purpose plant food, i switch it up, i have also given it club soda and its in the 3rd wk of flowering and finally starting to look nicer with little bigger nuggies comin. i water everyday in the morning never at night. i have a large cage over it now with a blanket over the cage so it recieves low sunlight now (like shade basicallly) its got about 10 large stems that have flowering going up and down it, its pretty nice... just describing my plant, maybe that will help with my questions.



Well-Known Member
Plant looks great but I'de take the blanket off. You want to give it as much sun as u can. Cover it up for rain storms only.


i put the blanket because my friend told me since its outdoors to put it in a shady area so it will bud... do u think the blanket will make it bud quicker?


Well-Known Member
No... If you create a sealed box and put it over th eplant so that it recieves no light for 12 hours a day (but take it off for the other 12 hours when you recieve the most light) you can induce flowering but it looks like your plant is flowering already. Once that has started there is no way I know of hastening the flowering period. Shading it means you'll have less dense long skinny buds as they increase in length looking for light. Check to see how many hours of sunlight you are receiving this time of year where you live. If it's around 12 you are golden


Well-Known Member
Can't tell when it will be done based on those pictures but looks fairly into flowering. Probably a few more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can use the same plant again. It looks too late to clone on at least the higher branches. You can re-veg it which is where you dig the plant up, trim the rootball, re-pot into new compost, trim off all the buds and leave as many leaves on as you can. Put it back under 18/6 or 20/4 and Bob's your uncle.


Active Member
From the looks of your leaf tips I think you should stop using the all purpose ferts and the rose ferts and start using a flowering fert, your plant is showing signs of nitrogen burn IMO.


Well-Known Member
i put the blanket because my friend told me since its outdoors to put it in a shady area so it will bud... do u think the blanket will make it bud quicker?
Remember what friend told you that and never ever listen to him again.

I am cunfused though for you said it get derect sunlight?

Time release ferts are not good for MJ. Do not use them next time. And there are better choices than MG ferts and soil.

You can revege your plant in some areas. If you have any type of winter then it will have to come indoors.

what part of the world do you live?

You can still take cuttings now. They just take longer to root and take about 2 weeks to revert back to veg state.


Well-Known Member
yea dnt listen to ur friend. ur plant buds bc of the amount of overall sunlight hrs, it doesnt bud bc its in a shady area, so lets evaluate. it takes in the neighborhood of 12-14 hrs light to trigger outdoor flowering. do u think ur plant will do better with more direct light or a blanket blockin the light it receives throught the day, regardless it will recieve the same amount of light hrs, but without the blanket u receive more direct light aiding ur plants growth